Zoloft vs effoxor. withdraws, weight loss?!


Zoloft vs effoxor. withdraws, weight loss?

I was on zoloft for about 4 months and dropped 20 lbs like nothing, but....i ran out and was in the process of switching doctors and had super bad withdraw. just like a bad flu i would say. anyway It wasnt working super good anyway (100mg) so my new doc put me on effexor 150mg. ive heard horror stories about effexor weight gain so im scared but then again i read a lot on zoloft weight gain and all i did was lose weight on it. will i lose weight on the effexor too then? im only on day 2 of it so i dont know. I also heard people become "numb" on effexor like no emotions at all. I just dont want to cry anymore and deal with rage issues. I still wanna love though! but if i get all fat ill just be more depressed and self consious! im 22 and have 3 kids. i deserve to lose some weight AND not feel like a nutcase. someone who has taken effexor give me some advice!!


I have taken both zoloft and effexor and now take wellbutrin. Effexor did make me feel very level and even but I almost felt too mellow. Zoloft weight gain issues occur over a longer period of time than the four months you were on it, I was on Zoloft for over a year before I noticed the weight gain and it was not a huge amount. Zoloft stopped helping me and so I changed to something new. I would say that most people I know that take anti-depressants have experienced weight gain over the long term. Should you aburuptly stop taking any anti-depressant, you will see some pretty real and scary side effects. If you are a person who eats when depressed and found that you lost weight on Zoloft, it may have been working better than you thought (you were less depressed so you did not turn to food as much). Give the new med a chance to work (it really does take a few weeks before you see much change) and trust that you can get to a place where you feel better. Good luck...everything will be okay.

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