Is this wierd?!


Is this wierd?

im 12 years old and going to 7th grade, for a while now everyone says my attitude is changing..... i get angry @ ppl for small things. I suddenly burst into anger... im afraid of becoming violent! please help!( ps it doesnt effect my school work at all but i seem to somtimes get really mad @ best friends too!)

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1 month ago
im tyred alot too

1 month ago
ummm i really like all your answers just one question..... steph! were did u get that i play football lol thnx for the answer tho!

1 month ago
idk well it all started my first year of junior high...3 months from now itll be my second year... ive gotten alot of different answers...mostly puberty...thats what i think 2... i also think its the pressure of junior high...( girls, grades, friends etc) so im just gonna let the yahoo community choose a best answer

thnx to all!


You don't need medication, therapy, or anger management. You are going through puberty and are 100% normal. When something happens that makes you start to feel angery try and think about it, is it worth getting mad at? who could get hurt? Just remember your parents might not understand, so don't try expect them to understand. Going on medications will only deni this important growing transition of becoming an adult. It can be difficult just know it won't last forever and if you have to get angry somewhere safe and with people that understand.

Some parents these days find it easier to put there children on meds than to take the time to explain, comfort, and work out what your going through, Mine did not let me experience the change and puberty, she put me on meds. You will be a lot happier if you do it the natral way like your supposed to.

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