Can Bi-Polar Cause A Person To...?!


Can Bi-Polar Cause A Person To...?

Become more submissive in the sense where they are more passive, afraid and just in general submissive? Can bi-polar also cause their judgment also to be impaired to where they - even though it's not intentional - make decisions that end up hurting loved one's? I am definitely not trying to make a blanket statement and apply that all people with bi-polar are like this, but I have a friend who might be bi-polar and I have noticed that in the past couple of years, he went from someone who was very firm and tough and assured on his decision making to someone who has become very submissive, insecure and needs reassurance on decisions and has trouble trusting his decisions - and his judgment has gotten worse where he's making worse decisions with people, etc. Can all these be symptoms? During these couple of years, he has also become very depressed and manic and seems to have deteriorated mentally and they think he might be bi-polar. So any information would be greatly appreciated.


bi polar disorder:
One day you may feel so depressed that you can't get out of bed. Work may seem impossible.

On another day you may feel great and full of endless energy. You may feel like you’re getting a lot done. But other people might think that what you are doing is dangerous and out of control.

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition.

Symptoms of depression:
~Feeling sad or blue, or “down in the dumps”
~Loss of interest in things the person used to enjoy, including sex
~Feeling worthless, hopeless, or guilty
~Sleeping too little or too much
~Changes in weight or appetite
~Feeling tired or having little or no energy
~Feeling restless
~Problems concentrating or making decisions
~Thoughts of death or suicide

Symptoms of mania:
~Increased energy level
~Less need for sleep
~Racing thoughts or mind jumps around
~Easily distracted
~More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking
~More self-confident than usual
~Focused on getting things done, but often completing little
~Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen

"The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."

It’s important to get treatment for bipolar disorder, sometimes called manic depression, as early as possible.

Many people with bipolar disorder don’t know they have it. Some don’t seek treatment because they are ashamed of what they feel. Others are incorrectly diagnosed with other illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia.

The right treatment can make bipolar disorder easier to manage. Also, controlling symptoms can help people live more normal lives.

Learning how to recognize bipolar disorder may help you get the right diagnosis. Healthcare providers need to hear exactly how you are feeling in order to make the right diagnosis. That way, you can get the right treatment sooner.

If you have bipolar disorder, as you get older your mood episodes can happen more often. If someone has 4 or more episodes a year, bipolar disorder can be even harder to treat. So it’s important to get treatment as early in life as possible.

for more information on bipolar check out these sites: -

of course there is no substitute for real medical intervention...the only way to truly know for sure is to seek the advice of a medical professional. no diagnosis can be made without it. getting a bipolar person to the dr can be a whole other type of challenge...good luck.

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