Should i tell someone this or should i just leave it?!


Should i tell someone this or should i just leave it?

i want someone to help me, there's people talking to me, inside my head, they want me to hurt people and things, yet i know they're not real, i know it's me making them talk, but i can't make them stop, even tho it's me making them say things, i see nasty pictures inside my head ,mutilation, horrifying pictures i can't get rid of it, i have post traumatic stress disorder, could it just all be that? i see horrifying things inside my mind, they tell me to hurt poeple i never want to hurt anyone, i know this sounds ludacris, but it's horrible i want it to stop, i feel as if i should take revenge on people, just because they made me who i am today, i know it sounds strange, i also have this thing where everyone's in on this big plan to hurt me, trick me into there lies, as if everything i do, they've designed it to be this way, even text in book,s information online, even children i know it sounds so strange, but i feel like it sometimes, these people talk to me inside my head, i see

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1 month ago
things i shouldn't be seeing, yet i know it's me who is making me see these things, me who's making them say things, me who's doing this all, but sometimes i don't it's all so strange, they show me pictures i don't want to see, they scream at me inside my head, they tell me to hurt me, i'm scared of it, i don't like it, i also lose myself as well, from reality i mean, i sometimes go off into a dream world, and in this dream world everythings the same as it would be in real life, same scenary, people are the same, except i see things, people, jumping out of thin air on me, reaching out of walls to grab me and kill me, they just want to hurt me, sometimes i run, but also in real life i run, so i'm afraid that if i have on eif these things, that i may hurt someone because inside my head, or dream world i think they're a nasty creature trying to kill me or hurt me, i'm afraid, even when i don't have these dreams, i want to hurt them, it's so strange i'm not crazy or anything just

1 month ago
this seems pretty strange to me, my question is do you reckon it's jut all of my PTSD? also about hurting people, i have almost acted out on it which frightens me, just because i got the urge to hurt them, i know this sounds awful, but i'm not sure who to tell, i'm 17 years old and most people i'm with don't really take me seriously, when i say i can see things and hear things, i don't want to hurt anyone! it really frightens me, i'm scared to let anyone know incase they'll lock me up, reach for the straight jacket, what should i do, and how would i tell them, when i say hurt people, i almost went to throttle someone, also i find if i'm having a play fight with people little rough and tumble, it's like a switch in my head is flicked and i try to actually really hurt them, today i grabbed someone's throat hard and was trying to strangle them not to kill them, but just to hurt them, and they where my partner! i don't want ot hurt anyone, please help me i don't know who to tell


Go talk to someone immediately, what you have is a serious medical condition. Although you are not in physical danger at this moment you could progress into a deeper stage of dementia, you could start to believe what you hear and then you could become a danger to other people and yourself. Please see someone right now.

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