It is about drug testing.?!


It is about drug testing.?

My father is a drug addict. I am 12 years old, and i have asked him to do a pot drug test. He has lied to me so many time saying "i quit smoking." And he has done three drug test now and has failed all of them. I can't have the trust my dad is demanding. And i don't want to respect him. He is saying it isn't right for a child to ask their father to do a drug test. He has told me 20 times at the least he quit, yet i still see his eyes red or i smell pot or i smell his breath. I want to know is it ok for me to ask my father to do a drug test. I feel i have the right to ask him to do a drug test because he has lied to me so many times about his drug addiction. It would help alot if you answered my question, any answer is fine. Thanks.

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1 month ago
I had asked him to go into rehab, he said no. My parents are divorcecd, and he has custody of me. He was the one who volenteerred to take a drug test. And now he is still saying it isn't right to take drug tests.

1 month ago
He doesn't have custody, but he does have visitation rights.

1 month ago
So since he volenteered, what do you think? The court may suspend visitation rights until he paasses a hair focile test. Which i am ok with. But i still want to see for myself. But does that give me the right to have him do drug test?? Any anwer is ok.


I hope that you relise that your dad is addicted to marijuana. addiction is a disise period. doctors and therapists will tell you this. It is okay to ask your dad to take a test if you are not mean about him being sick. that would be like yelling at somone for having cancer. If you love your dad you wont hold his addiction against him and be mad. In a way this will only make him want to use more. he needs your love and support and when the time is right tell him you dont like the pot but that you love him and that if you have to be around the pot to be around him you will. ?He might lose visitation rights but if it's his first offence than he might not. If the court asks you how you feel tell them the truth. I am a recovering addict and my dad still uses thats how I know what works cuz I've been there and some day my dad will die from his disise and I dont want to miss out on knowing him because I was afraid to be around him.

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