How normal is this? waves of positive then a little negative?!


How normal is this? waves of positive then a little negative?

I have been feeling better good with this change of season, feel strong and enjoying myself more then I used too.

Now, what's going on is, once in a while, I feel tired and get in a less then good mood for a bit, can this be as simple of to much running around and having a drink or here and there with the goods time?

I am the type to be normal, then up I guess but the low seems to be a little kick more then I am used to for some reason.

any ideas fellow yahoo'ers?


you are normal. and omg i cant believe the person who said you may have bipolar disorder. that is absolutely ridiculous!!!! the mood swings are extreme highs and lows and each mood swing lasts for weeks. anyway, dont worry. to make sure you dont slip into a deep depression, when you are down force yourself to do something you enjoy.

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