How to slowly decrease Adderall intake but still use recreationally?!


How to slowly decrease Adderall intake but still use recreationally?

I've been prescribed Adderall for almost two years now and I started off taking it only once a week or so, sometimes going longer than that. For almost this last year however, I seem to
take one everyday, sometimes I even take two (I am prescribed 25mg Adderall XR).

I understand tolerance and want to cut back but I want to know how long I would need to stop taking it and/or if I should revert back to one or two a week. How long would I have to go without Adderall to get the same feeling if I even could?

The reason I'm asking is because it does wonders for my mood and ability to concentrate but I don't want to become dependent on anything.


decrease the mg over a period of time like a week

if you take 1 a day , take half a day for 1 week and then like 1 every other day and then stop and take it whenever you need it
i dont know what mg they are availible in so i cant really break it down for ya.
if you cant break the pills/capsules( or open it and take half the insides) tell ur dr that you want smaller mg so you can take it in the am and pm instead of once a day.

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