Is there any way to concentrate better?!


Is there any way to concentrate better?

Im 13 and can never concentrate in class. My grades in my algebra class arent as good as I wish and can never focus on any of the lessons and have finals on Thursday! Is there any way to help me to focus better?


1. Minimize distractions. This means turning off the televsion, the ipod, your phone, and any other external devices which could serve as distractions. Study in a space SPECIFIC TO STUDYING (e.g., not your bed). Keep all your study "tools" in that spot (e.g., pencils, paper, good lighting). This area could be anything from a desk in your bedroom to a study carol in the library.

2. Study in short spurts. This means to set a time frame (15 - 20 minutes max) for studying. After each "study burst", follow with 5 minutes or so of a calming (but non related) activity such as working a sududo puzzle or reading your email.

3. Be certain you are getting adequate sleep. I can not emphasize this enough. As a young teen, you should be getting no less than 9 hours of sleep each night.

4. Ask your teacher about peer tutoring. Sometimes, a little extra help can make all the difference.

5. Set an Algebra Acheivement plan (to be implemented from Monday until the day of the test). Lay out specific times (use the "study burst" method) for studying. Include small "rewards" to be given on Wednesday (the day before the test) for sticking to the plan. Include your parents in the plan. Ask them to help you keep on track.

6. Visualize yourself SUCCEEDING on your algebra final this Thursday. Be very specific in your visualization. Include how it will feel to conquer the test. SEE yourself receiving the good grade. Picture the looks on your parents' faces. Really imagine how good it will feel to conquer the subject.

Best of luck,

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