Dealing with responses to self injury?!


Dealing with responses to self injury?

Okay, I used to cut for about 3 years. I haven't, for 3 months - and I'm very proud of that. A few close friends knew, but now everyone does. People are convinced it was all for attention, but it was honestly a way for me to deal with things. Now, everyone I know won't stop talking about how I "cut for attention" and I don't know how to deal with this. They barely know me.



The best thing you can do is to remember that they can never understand why you cut and that they don't know who you are. These people, if they truly cared for you, wouldn't use your past actions against you, but recognize how much you have accomplished by NOT cutting for 3 months. I am so proud of you. I'm going on 1.5 weeks after a 1.5 year break. We all have our failings, but we have to remember that we are strong and beautiful and capable. Ignore them. You'll find that they quickly find a new scapegoat, some new person to tear down viciously so they can feel better about themselves. And if they continue to hurt you, confide in your friends who are sincere and true. Best of luck to you hun, but I get the feeling you are strong enough to make it without my well wishes.

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