How tall will i be???!!!?!

Question: im 5ft8.5 50%thai 25%english n irsh any chance of being 6 ft
my dad is 6ft2.5
my mum is 5ft2

Answers: im 5ft8.5 50%thai 25%english n irsh any chance of being 6 ft
my dad is 6ft2.5
my mum is 5ft2

Probably around 6 ft

You'll be about in between, more on your dad's side than your moms.

probably 5' 11"
you could go to your doctor and ask, my firend did

How old are you?
Some people keep growing through their low 20s and some stop growing at 16-18. It is very difficult to say even for endocrinologists. There is also a formula that you can probably find in the web that takes into account both of your parents heights and gives you a rough apx of your height (I don't think it works). Just in case, what doctors do is that they take an X-ray of your hand and messure your growth plates (if they are not fused yet) to give your and apr.
Good Luck

It depends

how old are you? if you're 18 or younger chances are you will still grow, if not sorry

if ur still growing you might be 6ft.

Nobody can tell you how tall you are going to be.

If you take after your dad in other areas though, he might be a good example of how tall you might be eventually

id say... 5ft9in

if you are over the age of 16 you will probably be around 5'10.
younger and you have a good chance

it depends how old you are if you went through puberty then you wont grow any more.

first i need to know you age before i can tell

You're Chance Is That You Will Probably Be 6ft5 Ashely

If you are talking inches, no one can be sure. If you are a good person and treat other people good. You will be a giant in most peoples eyes.

Although your parents height will play a factore in yours, it doesnt necessarily mean you can figure your height out from that.

1st of all, how old are you? most guys grow in their early teens (13-16). Some a little earlier, some later, but thats the average.

One way to guess very close to your actually height is to know how tall you were when you were two. Double that, and you'll get it.

I was 2'10 inches, and now im 5'9", so it was pretty close (one inch off, but then again, i dont know if I was 2'10 1/2 " so it might be 100% accurate.)

Also, have you already had a growthspurt? Most guys only have one major growthspurt, some have two. But if you have, and your now 5'8.5", then your probably not going to get much taller (unless your still in your growthspurt)

That being said, i had a friend who was 5'7" tall at age 15, and over the summer, grew 3". So nothing is going to make it 100% accurate, but you can get pretty close.


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