Anal sex????!

Question: I did a girl in the back last night and i was wondering if the girl will get pregnet since i didn't use a condom?

Answers: I did a girl in the back last night and i was wondering if the girl will get pregnet since i didn't use a condom?

Only if you were sloppy and some of your seamen entered her vagina, otherwise No, you cannot get anyone pregnant by anal intercourse; however, no matter how clean her anus was, there was fecal bacteria present and most likely the transference of that. Plus, most likely you both had a transference of blood. You should both get checked out for HIV/Aids, Hep C and other STD's since you never used a condom.
Whenever you have sexual intercourse microscopic fissures (tears) form on the males penis and the females anus or vagina, these allow the transference of blood which intermingle. Even if you wash thoroughly with hot water and soap and use disinfectant it is too late as the foreign blood and any bacteria or virus has entered your blood stream.
If you were both free of STD's and are a monogamous couple that is a different story; however, since it sounds like a 'one night stand' do you know for a fact she hasn't been with anyone recently having unprotected sex/have you been with others lately having unprotected sex? Have either of you been screened for STD's?
Try to wait until you find someone who you Will be faithful to and visa versa and be monogamous, if not, USE a condom of quality.
Good luck and be more careful . . . both of you.

If you need to ask a question like this, you shouldn't be having sex in the first place.

yea her back is going to be pregnat

this is worrying that you think this is possible

thanks to you, shes gonna **** out your baby

In other words. No.
As long as you dont have std's then your fine

Technically your semen really has to be ejaculated into her vagina . But with close contact it is a remote possibility that some semen may get inside the vagina . You should always wear a condom anyway as it will reduce the chances of an STD.

It is possible if any semen dripped out and came into contact with her vaginal secretions, or if you pushed any in during sex, but the chances are very slim. Despite popular belief, sperm can live for 20 minutes to an hour outside of the body. Sperm die as soon as they're hit by oxygen, but the semen protects the sperm until it is wiped away or dries up.
It's the same if you blow on her stomach and drip on her vagina when you pull back from her. Sperm can travel through her fluids, as well as yours, and get into her.
I wouldn't worry about it, though. This is not something that happens very often at all. If you want to be safe, you should always wear a condom.

I have my doubts that this is a real question, but for the sake of argument that you really don't know, the answer to your question is..........(drumroll).........


I think she gave birth to a stinky brown baby this morning that looked just like you, but he went swimming.

probably will thats why u should use them

You can't get pregnant in the bum bum.

I agree with the first answer. If your knowledge fo anatomy and reprodiction is that poor, then you should keep yoru penis in yoru pants until you get educated enough to understand what it is for and how to use it.

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