How to stop snoring?!

Question: some tips please. i snore a lot. how can i reduce it

Answers: some tips please. i snore a lot. how can i reduce it

i don't know just tell me when u get to know

I bought these breathe right strips that you put on your nose it works good you can find it in any drug store

Do you snore only if you sleep on your back? If so, sew a tennis ball in the back of your shorts. It'll keep you off your back.

Are you heavy? People who are overweight will often snore because of excess weight in their neck and that the head is held at an inopportune angle.

Do you have enlarged adenoids? Surgical reduction might be necessary if that's the case.

Do you have sleep apnea? Where you'll snore and wake up over and over all night because you stop breathing?

Have you looked into a sleep study? If it's bad enough, you might need to talk to your doctor about doing this to determine your reason for snoring.

That tip i can give ur wife and not to u .. now call ur wife and let her read what I write here and u keep ur eyes closed.. ur husband My God snares a lot and there is no easy way to stop him snoring till u get sound sleep.. just shake him slightly when he snores.. His snoring 'd stop instantly and then u can go to sleep and snore too.. ur husband has not been told of this trick.. now it is over and keep the secret to urself..

If your snoring is really loud and disruptive, chances are good that you have a condition called sleep apnea, which MUST be taken seriously. Untreated sleep apnea not only stresses both the snorer and everyone else in the house who can't get a good night's sleep, it can also lead to heart malfunction and death!

Apnea is easily treated with the use of a night-breathing aid called a CPAP. You must see a sleep doctor before you can get one, as they have to be individually adjusted, but most insurance covers the entire cost. CPAP eliminates snoring 100% and keeps your heart from being damaged. Surgery is very rarely used to treat apnea, as the success rate is not that good. If you have sleep apnea, the nose strips from the drug store will not give you any real relief.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be overweight to develop sleep apnea.

Please ask your doctor to refer you to a sleep doctor or sleep clinic ASAP. These facilities often have a long waiting list, and procrastinating can really damage your health. Do it today.

snoring is a breathing problem, you can consult your doctor about it.

A) Check for sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition.

B) If no apnea, try the breath right strips. If your snoring is based in your nose, these can help. For me they do nothing.

C) If the strips don't work, its more likely your tongue resting on the back of your throat. A mouthpiece can make a differance here. Most of these are custom fitted and expensive. I ordered one of these: online. I find it slightly uncomfortable, but I can certainly sleep with it in. It does NOT prevent snorting but my wife reports a very noticeable differance in volume. As I said, I'd try the breath right strips first, then this.

I've tried sprays etc, they had pretty minimal impact.

Good luck.

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