Is it still possible to be fertile if you have varicose veins leading to your le!

Question: i am 16 and have had varicose evins leading upto my testicles for pretty much as far as i can remember since reaching puberty. just recently, i ahd these checked out and was told that due to overheating of the sperm i may be infertile. is there any chance i may not be can men with varicose veins still have children?

is there anything i can do?
for example sometimes i apply cold water to my testicles, i do a lot of exercise, i've never drunk alcohol or smoked cigarettes. is there anything else i can do??

Answers: i am 16 and have had varicose evins leading upto my testicles for pretty much as far as i can remember since reaching puberty. just recently, i ahd these checked out and was told that due to overheating of the sperm i may be infertile. is there any chance i may not be can men with varicose veins still have children?

is there anything i can do?
for example sometimes i apply cold water to my testicles, i do a lot of exercise, i've never drunk alcohol or smoked cigarettes. is there anything else i can do??

Those veins do not effect your fertility. A lot of men have them and other than just being uncomfy and causing pain every now and then they do nothing else. If they bother you too much you could always have them removed but this is painful and unnecessary and they will more than likely come back. Just wear lose fitting pants with boxer (please don't fall into the disgusting fad of wearing your pants down and having your butt hang out that is gross!) which allows air to flow to them, don't take hot baths and if fertility is ur main worry have a sperm count test to make sure all is well.

I had the same exact thing. Usually everything is fine until they start hurting, like mine did. Since 1 in 4 men have it, it's not a huge ordeal. But, if you were older, or like i said if it hurt, there is a surgery to repair them. Mine were in pain and i had the surgery. you get a nice scar the runs parallel to your "V", out of activity of any kind for about 1 1/2 months and then it completely heals by 6 months. It's been about 8 or 9 months since mine and it feels good.

I can't help you when it comes to feritlization only cause i'm not ready to have kids yet, but my urologist assures me that this surgery fixed everything. Miniscule downfall is that it can reverse itself which means you just go do it again, not too bad.

as long as you have two of them, no worries....there is surgery for this as well

You have a very common condition and it is called a varicocele. While it does indeed increase the temperature of the testicle and may cause a decrease in sperm count....the rarely occurs. Nothing you can do at home will help....except maybe wearing boxers not briefs. You must go to a urologist for an exam to see if this vein can they do in the legs for the varicose veins....and to also document the correct diagnosis(men can also have a spermatocele, a hydrocele and even testicular cancer.) Also a sperm count may be done and this is a little more information for you in your decision making.

Consider making a deposit of sperm with a spermbank before having any operation.

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