There is a picture of me when i was messing around, it's so embarassing ?!

Question: There's a picture of me, im a boy 14 and it's me with a pink top and stuff stuffed down it, so it looks like i've got boobs lol. (just was messing around with mates). And now a few people have got it on mobiles and computers in school. What shall i do because it's so so embarassing ? help really appreciated.
10 points for best answer.


Answers: There's a picture of me, im a boy 14 and it's me with a pink top and stuff stuffed down it, so it looks like i've got boobs lol. (just was messing around with mates). And now a few people have got it on mobiles and computers in school. What shall i do because it's so so embarassing ? help really appreciated.
10 points for best answer.


There's no better quality in a person than being able to laugh at yourself. Take it on the chin and dont be so embarrassed =]

Whining and trying to make them delete it is going to spur them on even more and you will make a bigger issue out of it - which to you will be more embarrassing in the end.

Beleive me, people will think more of you for being the bigger person and taking it all on the chin.


Show the picture and you'll get stars!

Don't worry about anything else!

Dude - don't worry about them! F*** em - they are nothing - you are you!

Follow the advice from below "laugh it off" Remember - no one picks on the class clown - just in case he shows them up!

Laugh it off and actively show it around - people won't care if you want them to see it.

Act as though you're embarrassed and DON'T want people to see it, then the whole school will be queueing up to have a look.

Once a picture hits the internet, you're pretty much screwed. Learn from this and think twice before allowing any cameras or cell phone cameras in the room with you. Just smile and thank them for any "compliments" they may give you. The novelty will wear off. Why not show off the picture first? If you willingly show it, it probably won't be a big deal.

Just laugh along with it - the more you fight it & get angry/upset about it, the worse the people at school will tease you! take the mick out of yourself & they'll soon move on to someone else!

Just enjoy the attention !

laugh it off. better being laughed with than laughed at

Well . . .
You could try like talking to the principal or someone at the school.
Try get them to get rid of it
Talk to your parents.
Thats about it

Anyone else really intrigued to see this Picture?

I am....hmmm,, we need to see it first, lol

You won't realise it until you're about 30, but nothing that happens at school matters. Especially this.

Just laugh with everyone thats really all you can do. Try not to let it bother you. Have some comeback comments for when people make fun of you.

people will forget about it something new and funny will happen to somebody else... Maybe you should go along with the people who are laughing and act like you don't care and it doesn't bother you. Laugh along with them it helps but like i said it will eventually be forgotten because some other scandal will get everybodys attention. Enjoy the attention you are getting now make the most out of it

Hi Adam
I think the best thing you can do in this situation is just to laugh it off yourself, let people know you can laugh at yourself and the things you do for fun. When they find out that it doesn't annoy you they'll soon lose interest in it and move on to the next big thing.
Good luck.


The best thing to do is act like you dont care!

then people will get bored of it becuase you're not making a reaction

they feed off how you feel solaugh along with them

it may hurt but it should be better in the long run!

i hope this helpes!

If you make a big fuss about it then the people who are taunting you will just do it all the more. If I were you I would just laugh it off. if the truth be known I expect most of the lads who are playing you up have done exactly the same. You just have to make up some witty retorts, like 'pink was never really my colour' or 'you should have seen the bra'. once they realise they can't get a rise out of you they will leave you alone.

Play up to it, pretend to be proud of the pic, that way people will get bored of trying to mock you over it

Just make a joke of it: Laugh along with everyone else, that way you won't be able to be an object of ridicule. Remember this: They stop laughing at you when you start laughing with them. Stay something like this while laughing: "What can I say, folks? Sometimes I find life to be a real...uhm..."drag", get it?!" Also, keep in mind this: Those that love you will still love you, whether you have been exposed or otherwise. Also, it's not the most embarrassing photo, not in my eyes anyway.

You need to flip it... always be the first one to bring it up if you get the feeling people know. Offer to sign pictures like they want your autograph. Make a joke out of it.......... Your friends will get theirs soon enough...! Oh boy the things I could think of to get them back.

Be the movie star over doing type when it comes to this. It might be hard at first but once you see people thinking you are funny for not being embarassed then you will losen up;

to be honest, if you didn't want the pic to spread, you shouldn't have messed around to begin with!

in a few weeks im sure someone else will be the gossip of the school, its how it usually works! just ride it out, and laugh it off best you can!

Don't let it get to you and other people won't bother.

I'm a 14 yr old too, and if it was me i wouldn't deny it or show it off, i would laugh about it if someone brings it up.

act like it doesnt bother you
laugh about it.
if it seems like you dont care that ppl are seeing it, they wont be as interested in it, nor would they be seeing it as something that should be embarrasing you.

To protect myself from getting embarassed, I make fun of myself before anyone else can. And If anyone tries to embarass you, agree with them! People will get bored because they see you don't care what they think, and move on to the next embarassing picture going around the school.

oh damn. curse out or whoever sent the picture in the first place, keep a low profile, laugh it off, idk

Forget about it. Be yourself. I had a similar experience early in life. When I matured, so to speak, I found the photograph and ripped it to shreds and it didn't change anything.

The more you act like it really bothers you, the more they'll show it to people/etc. Best thing you can do is not care - don't show a reaction and they'll find something on someone who will.

You can post this question any where you want, in fact, post it in several different categories so you can get a wide variety answers/suggestions.
Any who...
If I were you I would laugh right along with those who were laughing at me! When they realize that you are not embarrassed and did it for a joke they probably wont harass you too much about it. It is when they KNOW it would bother you that people tend to tease and taunt more. Just play it off as if it was something you did to make people laugh.

If it was just a joke dont worry about it! laugh it off... if everyone knows its gettin to u then they are more likely to keep on about it

i say laugh at it. Go to school with a girl shirt on and stuff it

What is done , is done and in this modern world most of these embarrassments get caught on camera
The only way you can treat this is to laugh it off and when this girl brings it up just retort along the lines of " It was a bit of fun we all had a laugh so move on " If you show others it is annoying or embarrassing you they will keep doing it . If you don't then hopefully they will get bored and move on to something new !!
No doubt this incident had alerted you to the fact that you need to be a bit more careful who you are around when you mess around !!
Good Luck

Kill them all.

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