What determines baldness?!

Question: What determines baldness!?
What determines whether you go bald, or not!? I know it genetics, but how exactly does it work!? All the males on my mom's side never lost their hair, but all the males on my dad's side lost their hair!. So, !.!.yeah!. Does it work randomly, or what!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

males on moms mostly combined with local toxins if your worried wash and rinse in cold water this makes the body think it needs more hair to maintain a stattic tempWww@Answer-Health@Com

Bladness is generally identifyable by the loss of hair!. While genetics is the culprit in many situations, it is not the answer for all!. Sometimes, even Nair can be the culprit!. As for your question on randomness, as far as I know, hair does, in fact, fall out in a random pattern!. The follicles have no numbering system that I am aware of!. However, I believe the ancient Egyptians did attempt to assign one!. PS - congratulations for reading to the end of this paragraph!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it depends on the men on your mom's side!. the chromosomes from your mom determine baldnessWww@Answer-Health@Com

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