My hubby is in the military?!

Question: My hubby is in the military!?
everytime we see each other and do the dirty he gets red dots on him he gets tested for std in the military and i just had an iud put in and they tested me then but we dont use the rubbers but sometimes use lube we use the alchol free to prevent yeast infection im like prone to them after about a month they go away also he does were briefs but not till the next morning and he doesnt always go take a shower afterwards he is a hyprocondrachic has anyone else had this problem doctors say its a skin irration but why does it only happen with me wouldnt it happen more often plz helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

Encourage him to take a shower afterwards and more regularly!.
He could use 2% hydrocortisone if he is having a reaction to the lube, but try a different type of lube!.

not sure what is causing them!. but we dont get tested in the military for stds!. we are required to have a HIV test every 2 years but that is all we are tested for unless we ask for it!. maybe the lube is irritating his skin!. try swiching kindsWww@Answer-Health@Com

I wonder why you are prone to yeast infection!? Perhaps he has some of the bacteria on his penis!. Or he could have genital warts or HPV!. Is he circumsized!? If not it is not uncommon for him to be very sensitive there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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