Whats the best way to prevent/treat razor burn?!

Question: Whats the best way to prevent/treat razor burn!?
I tend to get it on my neck and under my chin after shaving and it's quite painful for some time after!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

For maximum effect, get a really hot shower first!.

Second, when you shave and rinse the razor at the sink, use completely hot water, not cold!.

Third, don't use aftershave lotion!.

Fourth, try using those razors with 3 or 4 blades!. I find them much more comfy!.

5!. A new shaving cream might help!. I like Edge Gel, but not any fancy flavor or menthol or anything!.

Now, whether right out of the shower or at the sink, make sure your face is good and wet with hot water (just don't burn yourself)!.

Apply your shaving creme (or Edge Gel) and rub it into you beard, whiskers, hair, what have you!.

Let it sit a minute!. Most shaving cremes have a lot of skin conditioner in them; let 'em soak in!.

Run you razor through the hot water, either from the tap or just hot sitting in the sink!.

Move the razor smoothly over your face, strong enough to get all or almost all the shaving cream off!.

Rinse razor in hot water again after one swipe!.

Repeat!. If you are sliding the razor along and part way through the path it seems to get harder like you're cutting through thicker stuff it means your razor is clogged with shaved hair!. Stop, rinse, start where you left off!. Don't overstroke when the razor is too clogged!.

If you still look scruffy after doing your how face, don't do touch up work right away!.

Rinse your face in hot water again and get the left over shaving creme out!. Keep your face wet and apply more shaving creme to the scruffy spots and do them again in short easy strokes, rinsing after each stroke!.

Rinse you face with hot water again at the end and pat it dry with a towel, don't rub or scrape, pat dry!.

It might be a good idea to apply a tiny little bit of hand lotion on the places you usually get burn!. But not much and it might sting a little at first but it should help through the rest of the day!.

Oh yeah, the guy who said shave with the grain was absolutely right!. If your hair points down on your cheek, shave down!. If it changes direction on your chin or on your neck, change your shaving direction as well!.

And shave, don't scrape!. If that makes any sense to you!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to be sure to use a sharp razor!.!.!. i suggest shower shaving,,, it softens your beard and you can go against the grain for the closest shave possible!.!.!. use a shave gel (not one in a can, they foam up too much) i use "king of shaves" it comes in a tube!. i also recommend the newest razor you can buy, (this is one area where "new and improved" truly is!) i have now a gillette fusion!.
shave last thing before you get out of the shower!.!.!.
as for treating the razor burn you have now, aloe vera will help ;-)

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My husband has very course and does not like to shave at all!.!.!. I tell him to do what I do on/ for my legs!. Use a thick lotion (like Keri or Luberderm) on your face the night before, add more to your face in the morning, shower (shave in there if you can) then shave!. The lotion, I find softens it up!.
You could also use baby oil)Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have to shave, shave with the grain of your beard using a new razor each time!. Don't reuse the razors!. 1 pass max!.!.!.don't try to get your skin totally bare!. If you can afford it, IPL will remove your facial hair permanently!. If you want more information on IPL for permanent hair reduction, go here!.!.!.!.

Stop shaving!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

shave with the grain!.!.!.!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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