Serious Answers Only: How can I naturally decrease or get rid of my desire or li!

Question: Serious Answers Only: How can I naturally decrease or get rid of my desire or libido!?
I know this sounds like a crazy question but my husband has a problem with becoming arroused and does not desire me intimately anymore - we've been married 8 years!. He is embarrassed to go to the doctor!. We can't afford viagra!. Were best-friends, and are emotionally attached!. But After many heart-breaking tries, and many tearful nights, I don't want to try anymore it's tearing me apart!. I feel so undesirable and less of a woman!. I am willing to resign myself to having sexual intimacy 2 or 3 times ayear or none at all if I can find a ways to decrease or hinder my libido naturally!. I want my son to grow up with a father but it is becoming more & more difficult for me to be patient, and long suffering for him!. I can't endure going months on end without intimacy, it's not normal!. If I'm to remain in this marriage for the sake of my son, and my friendship with my husband I desperately need a way to manage!. How can I naturally decrease or get rid of my desire or libido!? Otherwise I am perfectly happy in our marriage this is the main culprit to my woes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just because your husband has ED does not mean he can't satisfy you in other waysWww@Answer-Health@Com

You should feel fortunate!. It's the ideal state, as most women have husbands who are pigs and would gladly trade places with you!.

This may be of interest and I hope it will help:


im serious when i say this but ask if hed rather finger u or smthn intimatelike that then u get off
if he really loves u then he'll be glad ur happy poor guy prob feels bad about not being able to plz u be sure to tell him that its ok and then suggest this or just get urself a vibrator or dildo or combine the 2 ideas and let him use the toys on uWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try being a normal housewife for half a day, then when your hubby is eating his dinner -- jump on him and have *** on the table!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Become more closely acquainted with yourself - if you know what I mean!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

why not try sex toys!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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