School nurse and my testical examination?!

Question: School nurse and my testical examination?
Was I the only one that got the cough check from the school nurse? I would come down to her office every Friday and she would ask me cough to check if my testicles moved or something. I remember the principal watching too and they recorded it on a camcorder for medical reasons. I just thought of it now, I think I was the only one in class getting it done regularly.


Sounds like u had a medical problem that u were unaware of.

Of course this is common when ur a kid.

They documented it with a witness ( the principal ) to avoid legal discussions later.

The nut exam is an easy way to see if puberty has begun. Pre-pubescent boys testicles have yet to descend.

Did you ask the nurse on what was this testicular exam all about?
If you notice that your testicles are not in proportion, one is much bigger than the other and is growing in shape chances are you have an hernia., that is why your nurse keep tracking on it because if uncontrolled out of proportion you'll definitely need a surgical operation for this condition and she would recommend you to a hospital.

There are many types of hernia, one of these is called inguinal hernia.
Hernia in the testicles happens when the thin membrane wall has a hole or an orifice created dividing the testicles and intestines or small bowel in your stomach. When there is an orifice on the tissue membrane due to congenital condition between this wall , tendency of the intestine organ or small bowel is to enter into the testicle chamber through that orifice or ruptured membrane tissue and slowly the small bowel will occupy the space of your testicles resulting into a shape growing bigger or bigger enough that you feel pain on that area as it strangles your small bowel organ specially after meal when your stomach is full.

The thing is, sometimes the orifice in that membrane will close in time as you grow older and will not become an hernia condition anymore. Maybe that is your case. To other people this condition has to undergo a surgical operation and close that orifice off.

How's this?: at the start of every school year they line us up in phys ed and do the check. The school doc is our next-door neighbor!........his assistant/nurse is his wife!!!!!! Back in jr high it didn't bother me......then it got to be the worst day of the year until: doc played it cool - never acted like he recognized me in the line, never said anything about it other times. Neither did she until one day she winks and smiles and says something like "lookin good". Guess I arrived ;-)

What that old test is gone and is cliche.

Why are you even getting them checked.

I don't remember when a school nurse was allowed to do this. This sounds illegal.

The school nurse just wanted to feel your balls dude. HE thought you were a handsome guy and liked the feel of your balls in his hands.


this is not normal. and this is illigal. you need to tell someone to make sure this doesnt happen to you or others every again

you have come up with variations of this story so many times. it's completely untrue and we are all bored with it

perhaps your testies may be abnormal in size. so they want to check whether you are having hernia problem


frightening, im guessing this was years ago. if not, then id tell someone or stop going.

WELL did they find them ?

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