My age is 15 ... I masturbate daily atleast 3-4 times there any side ef!

Question: My age is 15 ... I masturbate daily atleast 3-4 times there any side effects for that?
and plzz say me how to stop it ....answers this plese


Its perfectly normal for someone your age to masturbate on a regular basis, there are no side effects. It is actually necessary for guys to masturbate because they need 2 ejaculate for health reasons, if they don't there testicles will get blue and swollen and very sensitive (blue balls) but if you want to stop then just try and stop but just know nothing is wrong with doing it, its normal.

Ok, technicalt the defintion of overly masturbating it this- if you do it so much that it keep you from having a life such as, playing sports, going out, movies, hangin with friends than yes you are. Now technically masturbation itself can't hurt you but if you go too fast, hold it too hard, then yes you may injure. So if it ever hurts, stop! leave it alone, take it slow for about the next week. Try going slow. having long sessions. As then you'll prolly release more *** and will have a longer "recovery time" so you won't be horney. As to stop it, you just gotta have self control. Hormones are RAGING at this age, Im 15 too.Used too masturbate around 2 times a day. Now I'm down to once a week by me and then once from my girlfriend. omg dud last night she gave me a handjob like no other. haha sorry. abck to ur question. Just take it slow.

no, but you should focus your attention to something more productive, like your studies, which would decrease frequency you need to do it. Also, as you age, it should decrease

With age you will decrease from 3-4 times a day to probably just 1-2 daily there is no side effects vision problems apparently can occur if you push yourself too hard, but not as a result of natural masturbation. And you don't get hairy palms.

No side-effects, don't worry. It's pretty common to go through stages like that even as an adult, but is particularly more pronounced during adolescence due to hormones. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for it.

other than your nuts will be like a pair of tumble weeds I see no real problems other than blindness and hairy palms

do not masturbate daily u should do 4 to 5 per month or pimples will come on ur face

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