Why should I give up smoking?!

Question: Why should I give up smoking?
I enjoy having a smoke after a meal, in the morning etc. I know it's bad for my health but so is too much of anything. Do you really need to cut out completly; something that is bad for you?


we're all told you should give it up completely if you dont want to die of lung cancer or whatever.

but you never hear about the millions of smokers with a 40 a day habit who lived til the age of 87

to coin the phrase, you could get run over by a bus tomorrow, so do what you want within reason and enjoy your life - there's always a new report coming out on what's going to kill us all next - cabbage, watching the corrie omnibus etc. if you bought into all that you'd never leave the house

Ok, so everyone can give you the lecture on how bad smoking is... la di da. But really it's up to you if you have the will power to cut it off completley.

It's such a nasty habbit, it smells, it's a waste of money and most important of all, it's not good for your health. You've seen the researches, they have been proven on the risks of cancer, diseases etc. But do you want to be another number in future researches on how bad smoking is? Or are you willing to change your life for the better.

I don't smoke, but i personaly agree with you, too much of everything is bad for you. Cut down from e.g 40 a day to 20 a day then in time cut down again to like 10, then 5 etc..

The saying 'now and again' does not work, because you end up having the same ammount of smokes per day as what you were before. Also dont kid yourself. If you havent got the will power to do it, then dont do it at all.

Good luck :)

Spoken like true idiot. It feels good because you are feeding an addiction for nicotine. You are not feeling good, your brain is feeling satisfied as the urge for nicotine is satisfied. When you have a stroke in the future years and are inside a body that won't work anymore then you will know why you should have given it away. That will likely be after the bout of mouth, throat or lung cancer you are likely to get. Do u ever see those men walking around towing the little cart with the oxygen bottle feeding oxygen into their nose thru a tube, ask one of them why you should give up smoking. Smokers die on average of 10 to 20 years earlier than non smokers, and they stink of cigarette smoke.

For heaven's sake cut it out completely ASAP. For your loved ones as much as yourself.
I lost my father to lung fibrosis recently, and I'm sure that smoking played a large part in ending his life too early. My uncle died of mouth cancer about 5 years ago, and he was also a heavy smoker.
Also, if you smoke around children, consider their health.
Believe me, once you give up, food will taste better, flowers will smell nicer, and your breath will be fresher.
EDIT: Just read Adam's answer. My dad had that cart with oxygen near the end of his life.

because it kills

seems gud tht u may leave. well sm thing r nt explainable as the day u wil leave u get answer urself. gud luck

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