Bladder issues- not feeling the urge to urinate until bladder is uncomfortably d!


Bladder issues- not feeling the urge to urinate until bladder is uncomfortably distended?

i never feel that urge of, "oh man, i have to pee so bad." until i have maybe 1000+ mL of urine in my bladder and it feels like it's unhealthily distended. (ive found that the average bladder capacity is only 400-600 mL.) i also find that after relieving myself my bladder feels "fatigued" or vaguely achy after relieving myself and that this feeling is becoming more acute with time. im hoping this is isnt anything to be concerned about. in the past i would drink a whole lot before i went to bed and just drank a lot of fluids in general and i am wondering whether ive desensitized my bladder or possibly have damaged it from drinking so much fluids and not really peeing when i had the urge to pee. (im 22/male)


It's possible that your bladder has been desensitized if you've grown accustomed to allowing it to get that full. How are you determining that you have 1000 mL in your bladder -- are you able to actually eliminate that much at one time? If so, you probably don't have a serious problem yet, but it's possible that over time the effect of being stretched out that much will weaken your bladder's ability to empty itself completely, and this could lead to an increased risk of infection from constantly retaining all that urine. The "achy" feeling in your bladder is from stretching its muscles out to a point that's uncomfortable, which over time (like for any muscle in the body) can cause the muscles to increase their stretching ability, but also cause injury if overdone past the natural limits of the muscle.

There is a chance you could "retrain" your bladder to gain sensitivity when it's not quite so full if you make yourself urinate on a schedule -- say, every 2 or 3 (waking) hours for several days -- to allow the distended tissues time to shrink back to their "normal" state. You may not have the sensitivity you had before but it can probably get better than it is now. It also would probably be a good idea to start this sooner rather than later, because the longer you keep going as you are now the more chance it probably has of becoming irreversible. At 22 your body tissues should still be relatively "young" and pliable and so you should probably still have a chance of getting better if you want to try. If you're really concerned, talk with a urologist who will be able to inform you much better than anyone on this site. :)

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