How would you feel?!


How would you feel?

the time has come,i am finishing work due to ill health,i have tried to keep my job going for the last 3 years,but i physically cannot work anymore.this means we have to put our beautiful home on the wife,who is totally supportive of me,loves our home and even though she won't admit it,shes devastated at having to sell.she holds no resentment and loves and supports me 100%.i feel i have let her down so badly,and feel so guilty,even though its not my fault.any ideas how i can make her feel better


Do not personalise the sadness in it. It comes to all of us. None of us will get out of this one alive. We are all mortal and we are all going to die dead as doornails. There is no need to feel guilty for being mortal. Because this is a presence of mind issue, I would strongly urge you to bring more of it to this one, so you are not claiming blame for something which is entirely out of your hands. It is not a personal thing. It is a step in life we all must take or make because we age, period. My life partner and I, after 35 years of going there each summer, had to sell our lovely little summer camp on Little Sebago Lake, Maine, and our reasoning was we had many wonderful years there, and it was time to sell it and let someone else enjoy it, as we had had our full share of good times there. There was nostalgia and sadness, but we celebrated ourselves and let it go. I would have you allow the sale of your home and whatever other God-awful things you face only draw you both closer to one another, as that is what is going to save you. That is the one immutable gift you have which will always be yours. My hat is off to both of you. You have lost nothing. You have gained your worth to one another.

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