How do i get girls?Noone ever taught me anything?!


How do i get girls?Noone ever taught me anything?

My dad is living in the 60s and super narrow-minded and anti-social.My mom is clueless.I don't trust them enough even if they could help me.I don't have anyone I can go to to ask about it.I'm feeling super unconfident and shy about it,which is how I have always been about girls.Even though with everything else I'm confident and outward.

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2 weeks ago
I'm 17.I've never even been kissed.I just want to meet a nice girl,I'll save the bedroom acrobatics for a year.And there is obviously more to it than be yourself.I want to be one of those guys that can get any girl he wants.Not so I can go out with all of them,just so I have choices

2 weeks ago
how do I just be one of those guys that doesn't even have to try like Will on fresh prince of bel air or James Bond.Maybe not bond,but I could be will right?And don't tell me thats just tv,I know there are guys that are pretty much king of the jungle for lack of a better comparison


I'll tell ya what a girl likes.

Trust, so be a friend first.
Laughter, so be funny.
Security, so be honest.
Understanding so don't ever laugh AT her no matter what dumb thing comes out of her mouth.

A relationship first is important. You don't need to be sexual.

One rarity these days are gentlemen. Girls love to be treated like a princess. Open doors for her, pull out her chair while dining and give her a compliment every once in awhile too.

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