Cramps after ejaculation?!


Cramps after ejaculation?

My boyfriend has been having cramps in his penis, usually after he ejaculates. He said they would come and go at times and he cant do anything to make them go away. They would go away after a little bit. He says its just an uncomfortable feeling, almost like a charliehorse (I think thats what you call that kinda cramp).

What is wrong? Is this normal? What is the cause of this? What can he do to prevent these cramps?

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
He is going to get checked when he gets his next physical.


Waiting for next physical is too long. A cramp is a sensation from the body resulting in an inbalance of usually posassium, sodium, and lack of hydration to a muscle. In the emergency room, a report such as this would get the patient moved from next in line to the very front and straight back to a room. We worry about torsion and other lack of blood supply to the male reproductive system. He needs blood work, a urinalysis, and an ultrasound to be performed to shed light on what may really be going on.

Food for thought. Last week had a boy come in a week after he felt pain in his testicles. A week was too long and he lost one of the testicles due to poor blood supply.

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