Is it bad to build muscle under fat? read below too?!


Is it bad to build muscle under fat? read below too?

hey i'm a lil fat, 15 yrs old...i lift wieghts for football n bodybuilding. and most of my arm muslce is surrounded by a lil fat. How can i make it go away to see the definition and all? the cuts n curves?


Building muscle under fat is a mixed's still extra muscle mass, and it will boost your metabolism, which could over time help you to get rid of the extra fat. However, in the short term it'll just make you look bigger.
Good ways to lose fat to improve definition -- high-intensity cardio exercise combined with careful dieting. Also, switching your weight training from bulk-building to muscle-toning would really help. For the purposes of muscle toning, it's best to cut back a bit on the weight you lift, and perform extra reps and sets with that lighter weight.

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