My friend's problem?!


My friend's problem?

he has a problem which he can't solve it, please help, ok? thanks.

he since 13 years old, he like to watch porn & while watching porn, he like to masterbate & till now he still, from 1 week 3 times to mostly everydays, what are the effect of it and what are e cure for it?

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2 weeks ago
will masterbation alot will cause childless when become husband & wife?

2 weeks ago
my friend tell me that his penis soften due to masterbation alot. Is this true that masterbating will cause it to soften & what is e cure for it?


The effects of masturbation are actually quite healthy in most cases. A lot of doctors believe that masturbation can be helpful for stress and such. There is no "cure" for it, and as long as he doesn't make too much of a habit of it and does it properly, he won't have any problems at all.

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