How much weight do i need to lose to go down 4 pants size?!


How much weight do i need to lose to go down 4 pants size?

well im 14 and im 5'6 and ive gained weight over the year and las year in july my pants size was 34 and now this end of june my pants size is 38..i was wondering how much weight should i lose in order to get back to my regular pants size


This really depends on several factors:

[1] Your current weight. Assuming you're under 200lbs, it should be that around 10 to 15 lbs per pant size could do it for you.

[2] Where is all your weight located? If you gained the weight proportionately, then you'll probably lose it the same way. Whenever you begin losing weight, it may take more at first in order to get a lower pant size. This is why the 10 lbs = 1 pant size is NOT a real sound minded opinion.

[3] How you lose the weight. This has been my personal experience that whenever I began to lose weight (I'm down about 25 lbs now), I lost it from the most irrelevant places. My fingers, toes, hands, arms, feet, etc. were one of the first parts of my body to lose weight. The rest has come naturally. It depends highly also on how fast you lose the weight in another way. If you shed it off real quick, you just burn muscle, which doesn't get rid of the fat, which does not affect your pant size at all. The best target to aim for in a weight loss program is one to two pounds per week.

[4] Timing. The most important factor here. It's not gonna be an overnight thing here. This stuff takes time. I've lost 25 pounds, yes... but I started this adventure nearly 14 weeks ago. I've still got a long way to go (nearly a year at my current rate), but remember... the longer it takes you to lose it, the more apt you are to keep it off.

Good Luck with everything.

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