What things in guy attract girls?!


What things in guy attract girls?

i mean everything


Intelligence. That's essential.
Honesty/integrity -- no mind games, no manipulation, no bending the truth. If I can't trust him, I won't be with him.
Way he treats other people, especially those less well off and family.
How he treats me -- if he isn't respectful, I won't respect him.
Responsibility -- if he blames other people for his mistakes, I'm outta there.
If he has a potty mouth, I don't want to be around him.
He should be confident but not arrogant or stuck on himself.
A sense of humor is great. Everybody likes to laugh. But no cruel, crude, or bigoted jokes, please!
Willingness to compromise. I'll watch the movie he picks this week if he'll watch the one I want to see next week.
He should share my core values. If he makes racist comments, he's history.
Sharing my taste in music is a plus; I can't imagine being attracted to a guy who likes gangsta rap!
He should not try to control how I spend my time, who my friends are, etc. Or ridicule my opinions, appearance, whatever.
If MY friends and family like him, that's a really big plus. If I like HIS friends and family, another big plus.
Being good with my cat is another big plus. My cat has excellent taste in humans.
If he's showing off all the time, driving too fast, etc, he's not for me.
He should have a job if he's not in school. I'm willing to help put him through college, but I don't want him sponging off me permanently unless he's going to be the one keeping house and caring for our kids.
It helps if he is vegetarian. Or at least accepts that I am without continued teasing.
Physically, lots of body/facial hair is nice, but not a necessity. Ditto not being too thin. Ditto nice eyes. Ditto nice smile.
He should be attracted to me. (Shows good taste.)

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