Does puberty have anything to do with "what I think" are varicose vein!


Does puberty have anything to do with "what I think" are varicose veins in my ball sac?

I'm only 13 and going through puberty. I noticed some sort of lumpy purble bumbs on my scrotum. I can push down the skin and see them and they dont hurt so I'm not sure what they are... I noticed one day that there was more veins on the left side of my scrotum (which is where it is located). I was just wondering if puberty causes this or if I am in some sort of trouble and if I am, how can I get rid of it... (without surgery, and I wanna get rid of it quick...)?????


You may have what the doctors call Vericoceles. This is another word for vericose veins in the scrotum. You may want to go and get checked. This will inhibit sperm production. It is most common in younger males, and males in their late 30's or early 40's. I know, I have what they call bi-lateral Vericoceles. I have it in both of my testicles. It's not life threatening, but may inhibit your ability to have children in the future, because it is known to cause infertility in some men. It is reversible, and once the surgery is done, it will make your sperm count go up. You want to get it checked early, because the younger you are, the better the results after surgery. The majority of men who get it only have it on the left side, some unlucky ones have it on both sides, like myself.

The surgery is an outpatient surgery, it is done under a microscope. But you will be limited in activities after the surgery for 2 weeks. If you do notice it starts to have some pain, you want to go sooner than later to get it checked.

You can search for it on Yahoo or Google, you will find information on it.

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