Gaining weight and exercising??!


Gaining weight and exercising??

my boyfriend is 6' tall and weighs about 135lbs. he is constantly eating, and is working for about 44 hours a week doing manual labor. does anyone have any suggestions on how he can gain some weight to turn into muscle? he's such a skinny lil guy, help!

oh yeah, he won't take steroids or any type of supplements, we're looking for a natural way to do this!


Step One
Eat nutritious foods that are high in calories. Examples are whole-grain breads, vegetables such as avocados and
potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish.

Step Two
Increase the caloric value of your meals. Add powdered milk to casseroles for added calories, add avocados and olives to sandwiches, add wheat germ to your cereal, add chopped meat to your pasta sauce, and so on.

Step Three
Avoid skipping meals. Eat three meals a day and at least two snacks.

Step Four
Increase your normal portion size. Take a second scoop of pasta, or add two bananas to your oatmeal.

Step Five
Choose higher-calorie foods when given a choice. For example, corn is higher in calories than green beans.

Step Six
Relax - excessive fidgeting and restlessness can burn up a lot of calories.

Step Seven
Add weight lifting to your exercise program. It helps build muscle mass.

Step Eight
Balance your caloric intake with the number of calories you're burning. You need to be taking in more than you use up, and you may need to ease up a little on your exercise program.

Tips & Warnings

* You should have a doctor rule out any physical problems, such as hormonal imbalances, if you cannot seem to put on any weight.
* Although it seems like a logical way to bulk up, avoid adding excess fat and sweets to your diet. Eat fats and oils in moderation; they should account for no more than 30 percent of your total caloric intake.

How To Gain Muscle Naturally...No Steroids Necessary

Wondering how to gain muscle? There are many fads, gimmicks and
"quick fixes" to be found, but there is really only one healthy
way to gain muscle mass. You don't need to be gifted with great
genetics or use potentially dangerous illegal hormones or

The "how to gain muscle" question has a relatively simple
two-step process:

1) increase your caloric intake, and
2) workout. This combination will provide the desired results.

Don't be embarrassed to look in the mirror! You CAN have the
body that you strive to achieve. When you first begin thinking
about how to gain muscle, the first instinct may be "But I
don't want to gain fat". Losing fat and gaining muscle mass are
two different objectives, and are tackled in two different ways.
At this point you have to realize that dieting and exercising to
lose weight is different than dieting and exercising to gain

In gaining muscle mass, the caloric intake must be increased.
You have to take in more calories that your body is used to:
take in more proteins and fats-your body has no choice but to
gain weight. While nutritional supplements may be utilized,
this should NOT be used as a substitute for a healthy diet. The
increased calories are then offset by working out with weights
in order to achieve the increased muscle mass you desire. This
workout will stimulate growth by "overloading" the muscles. The
combination of caloric building blocks (which help rebuild and
repair muscle tissue) along with the increase workout.

If you are among the millions who constantly try to gain weight
and build muscle mass, remember that a firm commitment, the
proper diet, and a good weight-training regimen are the best
ways to succeed in reaching your goal. A muscle mass building
diet includes plenty of protein and enough calories to promote
weight gain.

A good place to start is to multiply your current weight by 18.
This number will give you a rough idea of how many calories your
body needs in a day to bulk up. If you are extremely active,
play sports, or have a faster than average metabolism, you may
need to increase your caloric intake even more. A muscle
building diet requires a lot of effort on your part. It's not
easy to consume enough calories in three meals per day. A good
suggestion would be to eat several small meals each day rather
than three large ones.

Protein is a critical element in any mass building diet.
Ideally, you should eat one and a half grams of protein per
pound of body weight. While this seems like a lot of protein,
spread over several small meals each day it will be a lot
easier to meet this goal. Fish, poultry, eggs, and lean red
meat are excellent sources of protein. Lots of fresh vegetables
and simple carbohydrates combined with plenty of protein should
allow you to meet your calorie quota each day. The best muscle
building diet is a combination of consuming adequate calories
and the proper types of foods.

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