How to cur the snore??? I am 19 and sometimes I keep people awake. What might be!


How to cur the snore??? I am 19 and sometimes I keep people awake. What might be the reason?

I dont have any health problems at least that I 'm aware of...

What would you suggest? How to get rid of snoring?

Is it normal at all???


Soft snoring is normal, but I'm afraid it sounds like you have the kind that is definitely not normal.

If your snoring is really loud and disruptive, chances are good that you have a condition called sleep apnea, which MUST be taken seriously. Untreated sleep apnea not only stresses both the snorer and everyone else in the house who can't get a good night's sleep, it can also lead to heart malfunction and death! If you have this condition, the nasal strips and all the folk remedies (like a tennis ball in the back of your pjs) will not help.

Apnea is easily treated with the use of a night-breathing aid called a CPAP. You must see a sleep doctor before you can get one, as they have to be individually adjusted, but most insurance covers the cost. CPAP eliminates snoring 100% and keeps your heart from being damaged. Surgery is very rarely used to treat apnea in adults, as the success rate is not that good.

Please ask your doctor to refer you to a sleep doctor or sleep clinic ASAP. These facilities often have a long waiting list, and procrastinating can really damage your health. Do it today.

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