Do I have a normal Penis?!


Do I have a normal Penis?

I'm 16 and i feel that it will soon be a time where my girlfriend will "see me" and i'm somewhat self-conscious about that particular region because i'm not sure if i'm normal. I know it doesn't matter that much but I would like some input. ...

My penis is from 6-7 inches long when erect and about 5 in cirumference I've noticed that sometimes when I'm really hard my head starts to turn purple.

like i said, I know it probably isn't a big deal but I'd just like some input


Sounds like a perfectly normal penis to me. Most guys are a little nervous about somebody seeing their penis for the first time (especially if they are virgins) because they don't really know what "normal" looks like, or how they compare with other guys. But consider this, your girlfriend probably doesn't know what most penises look like either. In fact, she probably has less of an idea than you assuming that she is a virgin.

Even if she has seen one or two before you, you can be sure that they both looked different from each other and that yours will look similar enough to theirs. So you really have nothing to worry about. By the way, she is also going to feel exactly like you do when she has to take off her bra and panties for the first time in front of you. Everyone feels like that the first time and usually they look normal.

6-7" is slightly above average in length and 5 inches circumference is average. The reason your penis head turns purple is because of all of the blood rushing to your penis during an erection. The head of the penis is a mucous membrane that is thinner than normal skin and the blood vessels are closer to the surface. If you are uncirumcised, the foreskin probably retracts when you have an erection and if you are circumcised, the scar will be expected. So no matter what you will look like you have a normal penis.

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