Big problem with masturbation! NEED HELP PLEASE!?!


Big problem with masturbation! NEED HELP PLEASE!?

Hi. Im 13 and i just started masturbation. Whenever I start, it feels good but after about 2 minutes i start getting uncontrollable tensing in my muscles and my penis starts to hurt a little. I found that while this process happens, my penis head and ring becomes EXTREMELY sensitive. So, after a week after this happened, i started noticing that whenever i started putting friction on my penis head during masturabtion, it gives me a great pleasure but after awhile, the same process happens again! I was hoping i could have my first ejaculation this year but it looks like i wont last even a few minutes!! HELP!!!! pls

Additional Details

1 month ago
I use Lubriderm for lube because i heard it serves as a good lube. I've tried going slow but its not as pleasurable. By the way, I will be 14 in a month just in case you guys think age has something to do with it


just keep pretty sure that this is noooormal.
haha it will get sensitive, but that just means that you're getting closer to what you wanted.

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