Guys only please!?!


Guys only please!?

ok. so i have this girlfriend, whenever we *uck, she always scratches my chest and it really hurts.she even screams loudly!how can i convince my gf to stop scratching and screaming so loud!

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1 month ago
she's even worse when i lick her pu$$y. she would pull my hair so bad!..but i like it when she bj's me...

1 month ago
no she's not the dominant one, when she likes it then she scratches and screams so hard


At the right moment, grab her hands with yours and kiss her fingers so she can't scratch... she'll think you're being romantic and won't even realize why you're really doing that...

As for the screaming... just go with it... years from now when she's quiet all during the act, you'll wish she would yell again so you know she's enjoying it...

For the most part, count yourself lucky... most of us would love to have a woman who's a bit on the wild side...

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