Smell after masturbation?!


Smell after masturbation?

i am an uncircumcised male, and after i masturbate it seems as if there is a really weird odor. Im not sure if it is the sweat under the penis or anything else maybe foreskin. But it smells, and sometimes the smell stays for days. what is it and how do i get rid of it?

Additional Details

1 month ago
it also smells around my testicle area


Do you wash it off? Just pull it back and rub the head when you shower; it takes less than 10 seconds and feels good. I've never had a problem with staying clean or smells. In addition, no smell should last for days if you wash it (so I'm assuming you don't...)

Dry ejaculate has a weird smell if you leave it there to dry.

And you don't seem to be sure if it's from your foreskin or not; if it is from there you'd know.

Another thing I'd do is go pee after you're done masturbation to prevent any leaks of leftover ejaculate (which can ultimately cause smell).

E-mail me from my profile if you have any questions. =)

EDIT: Now you mention that it's almost on the scrotum/testicular area. Then chances are that it's just normal sweat. Pubic area is very sweaty and develops many natural oils, so a smell (not stinking) is normal. Some guys find that applying corn starch or Gold Bond powder or baby powder can prevent excess sweating (and smell) down there).

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