After an adult male gets circumcised how long will it be before he can use his m!


After an adult male gets circumcised how long will it be before he can use his member?

and will he be able to work


Some guys say they have minor pain for a few days. Others say it is the worst pain they have ever experienced and that it goes on for months. Better figure on at least a week off from work (guys say they can't stand to wear clothes for that long) and no erections for at least a month or even two.

Better is to just leave your penis intact! Why in the world would you want to lose all that nerve-rich foreskin? And it isn't as good for your partners afterwards, either. Except for frostbite, gangrene, and cancer, penis problems can be treated without circumcision. Get a second/third/fourth opinion before letting yourself be mutilated!

See for the effect of circumcision on male pleasure and for the reduction in female ability to orgasm with circumcised men.

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