Can anyone help me for the sake of my children's safety?!

Question: My husband and family used to think it to be hilarious that I can actually have a conversation with anyone and could never recall that I did. He says, I literally sit up in bed with my eyes open and can hold a short conversation, then back to sleep I go. In the last 3 yrs I've had 2 babies and lots of fights with him, trying to remind him that I can't remember the conversations that we have when I'm sleeping. This morning however was really the last straw for him, he had to get ready for work and our son had awaken, he said that he came into the bedroom and tried to wake me...he said I told him that I'd be right there, after 10 mins he came back to try again this time telling me that my daughter had thrown her pacifier out the crib and he had to go...he said that I got out of bed and went into her room, thinking I was awake, he left. I woke up to her screaming, she had climbed out the crib and busted her lip! I don't recall any of these events! Please help! What can I do to wake?

Answers: My husband and family used to think it to be hilarious that I can actually have a conversation with anyone and could never recall that I did. He says, I literally sit up in bed with my eyes open and can hold a short conversation, then back to sleep I go. In the last 3 yrs I've had 2 babies and lots of fights with him, trying to remind him that I can't remember the conversations that we have when I'm sleeping. This morning however was really the last straw for him, he had to get ready for work and our son had awaken, he said that he came into the bedroom and tried to wake me...he said I told him that I'd be right there, after 10 mins he came back to try again this time telling me that my daughter had thrown her pacifier out the crib and he had to go...he said that I got out of bed and went into her room, thinking I was awake, he left. I woke up to her screaming, she had climbed out the crib and busted her lip! I don't recall any of these events! Please help! What can I do to wake?

Wow! That is pretty scary! I can see why you are concerned. I am racking my brain trying to think of something that could help you. You probably do not respond to alarm clocks if you sleep this deeply. The only thing I can come up with is to ask your husband to be absolutely sure you are 100% awake before he leaves the house. Tell him to wake you up about a half hour before he needs to leave. Have him give you a wash cloth that has been rinsed in very cold water and he should watch you wash your face and eyes with it....or better yet, have him lead you into the bathroom and turn on the cold water and have him stand there while you splash cold water on your eyes and face to wake you up. I hope this helps. One last thing, you need to talk to your doctor because it sounds as though you have a serious sleep disorder...or if you take medications, it may be a side effect of medication and a change in prescription is needed.

Yeah, you should probably go to a doctor.

I think you should go see a doctor!

Go to bed earlier.

see a doctor! if your kids' safety is on the line, you'll probably wanna talk to somebody who has a specialty in the field, not random folks on the net.

visit the doctor, no one here can give you adequate medical care or treatment or advice

See a doctor immediately, he may refer you to a psychologist as these issues can sometimes be brought on by stress

That is scary, you need to get a doctor's opinion

It sounds like you have a sleep disorder. Do you snore? If you do, it could be apnea. I had very bad problems with sleep talking, sleep walking and thinking I was awake when I wasn't, and it was all due to sleep apnea. Get your Dr. to schedule an overnight visit at a sleep clinic, especially if you snore.

im the same way. it takes about 30 to 45 mins to wake up after i open my eyes in the morning. i dont know how to fix that. i dont do anything until after i have had my morning coffee.

You should go see a doctor..maybe it's just a severe case of sleepwalking, or something more complex. But your doctor will know better than most people on here. Good luck~

You should get yourself checked out. You may have a medical condition causing you to narcoleptically doze off. I don't think it's funny at all. Your hubby really should be more understanding but maybe with all the extra stress of having you forget and taking on more responsibility with the kids, he's fuse has gotten short. I don't think either of you are at fault. Discuss with him your concerns, see where he stands on you getting checked out by a physician for any medical condition you may have. Remember -- 'In Sickness and in Health'

It's so nice that instead of seeing a doctor or taking precautions like waking up early, you just have to go on Yahoo! Answers and trust your childrens' safety to the advice of unqualified strangers!

go to doctor it is type of anexity easly treated

First, as dopey as this sounds, with 2 small children, you need more sleep. Try getting more sleep by going to bed earlier or napping during the day when they do. Check with your doctor, you may have something wrong with you... nutrition wise. Second to all that, if your daughter can climb out of her crib, you may as well make it less dangerous and lower the side... or get her a bed.

You can't. You're in a sleeping stage. Sleep talking is not to be confused with sleep walking.
Your husband shouldn't blame you, instead he should be understanding that you're in a phase of your sleep where your mind is wide awake, while the rest of you isn't.
I hate to tell you this, but stress usually induces more episodes.
It's also not your fault that your baby crawled out of the crib. That's what babies do.
Maybe the people in your house should try and shake you until you wake up!
My son sleepwalks, I just wake him up, and he'll go back to bed.

there might be a possibility this is a physiological problem. like what ur describing seems to say u have a multiple personality disorder......or is it even a disorder?...anyways go see your doctor about it..............again reading this story........i dont think im right...but go see ur doctor

You obviously have a serious sleep disorder that needs professional attention. Please don't wait another day. Get help.

Do you take any nighttime sleep aids? They have been know to cause symptoms such as yours. See you doctor right away!

Do you take any meds that could be causing this? Are you not getting enough deep REM sleep so that why you are hard to wake up.
Most people have a built in alarm, when they go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, they can do it even with out an alarm clock, if they want to.
Some are very light sleepers, like myself that will awake to any noise.
Do you have a fan or white noise item going in the bedrooom, this will help alot of people sleep

Go see a doctor, you could have a sleep disorder which is leaving you tired in the morning like sleep apnea etc.

Also this could be caused by stress or depression.

or it could be caused by the obvious, going to bed at 3am waking at 6am, etc.

For the most part tell your spouse you have a problem and get some help. I tis nothing to be ashamed about or should cause arguments. Would you argue if you had a broken leg? of course not so why argue about this? Best of luck.

It's almost like you are sleep walking. My sister used to do that for years, but she grew out of it. Sounds like you are growing into it. She would walk around and hold conversations with you....but strange ones. You could tell cause her pupils were dialated. This is a sleeping disorder that you need to seek professional assistance for. As long as there are no drugs and/ or alcohol which won't allow you to remember whats happening when you first get up. I say that because I live outside of Baltimore and this is a common problem. But if this is a genuine problem that you have had for years, see a doctor ok? And don't get upset when he asks about the drugs or alcohol, cause he will. Good luck to you.

I think that you should seek medical help. One of the guys that I work with actually sleep walks and fell down a flight of stairs and broke his collar bone. I too can have conversations in my sleep with out remembering them, but nothing like yours where you do not wake up in the morning and put the safety of children at risk. It is frightening and I understand that, but there may be some medicine that can help you and your husband needs to make sure that you are fully awake before leaving. An inconveniance yes... but he is just as responsible for your children as you are. Good luck honey, and Happy New Years!

there are certain types of seizures in which people have no idea what they have done. your husband should have made sure you were fully awake and lucid before he left. you HAVE GOT TO SEE A DOCTOR! you will probably be given a brain scan in which they will be able to detect seizure activity and prescribe the correct meds. also you should google Johns Hopkins hospital for their diet that cures seizures! good luck.

My aunt was this way, as is my sig other. I am to an extent but not that bad. Basically, you just need to go through a lot of other steps to wake up. Like, say I have to be awake and functional at 8am. My alarm starts going off 5.45. I hit the snooze buttong a couple times without being aware of it. Its usually about 6:30 that I become consciously aware. Then , I still need about another hour before I am functional.

With my sig other, I make sure he has been up out of bed and coherently talking for about 45 mins before I let him drive or let him alone to do his own thing.

My aunt had a system. My cousins would wake her up in the early morning and ask stupid questions like, if they could have ice cream for breakfast or whatever else stupid. She would tell them yes so they would leave her alone. My uncle is the one that got up with the kids, he didnt even realize what was going on. He would go in there and be like, did you tell them they could have icecream, and shed say yeah, itll be ok, just to get everyone to leave her alone. After she did get up, she didnt remember any of it. She would come home late in the evening from work, and the kids would get in trouble for wearing something crazy or whatever, and theyd be like, well you told us we could this morning...

They made a rule that no one was allowed to ask her permission for anything until after 10 in the morning (which was when she got up).

You need to realize that you need to take time to wake up and your husband needs to fully realize whats going on. You need to come up with a system so that you are awake and functional when you need to be. But also some kind of rule or clue so that your husband knows when you are really awake and functional.

Well, if this is true the you are not capable of taking care of a child. This is not your fault, but still true, so knowing that you cannot hear the baby to respond to it, you can be held neglgent when the baby gets hurt or worse, killed. You should do the right thins as a parent and find someone to care for the child when you are asleep or perhaps face criminal charges or worse, your child ends up choking or falls from the crib and you're no where around.

what kind of mom are you go and find someone to help you!
do you cheat on you man?

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