Gallstones - HELP?!

Question: They found one when i had a scan last year, but said they will leave it unless it causes problems. However for the past week everytime i eat, an hour later i am in awful pain, it starts in my upper stomach and moves to my upper right near my rib cage. I have never had pain like this and it doesn't matter what i eat it happens. I nearly went to A&E last night it was that bad. I went to the doctor today and she said it is probably indesgion type thing and gave my some tablets. It hasn't gone away yet and i tried to eat some lunch after taking tablets and its still there. What shall i do?

Answers: They found one when i had a scan last year, but said they will leave it unless it causes problems. However for the past week everytime i eat, an hour later i am in awful pain, it starts in my upper stomach and moves to my upper right near my rib cage. I have never had pain like this and it doesn't matter what i eat it happens. I nearly went to A&E last night it was that bad. I went to the doctor today and she said it is probably indesgion type thing and gave my some tablets. It hasn't gone away yet and i tried to eat some lunch after taking tablets and its still there. What shall i do?

Hi, Insist that they do something about your gallstones, they are aware of your problem you have already been diagnosed with gallstones. They are horrible i had my gallbladder out last year after a lot of visits to the hospital and doctor's one doctor at the hospital told me i had gastro enteritis and to go home and eat something bland. Keep going to your doctor's if he does not do anything ask to see a specialist on gallstones. I feel so sorry for you as i know what the pain is like, i would rather have been in labour because you get something out of labour. Keep pestering if you get nowhere change your doctor until you get satisfaction. I was two years before i was diagnosed and even then it was an on call doctor that suspected them. Tell them the gallstones are affecting your quality of life and you would like them removed. I went into hospital on the Wed had my gallbladder taken out through laposcopy and was out of hospital on the Friday, i was off work for 10 weeks because even if you are not cut open it is a major operation. Keep Pestering Good Luck. You can email me if you want to know anything else.x

I had my gall-bladder removed. Your GP should be aware of your gallstones - if not, make sure they are aware. They should be able to prescribe painkillers and advise on diet while you are waiting to have the operation.

GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR !! You definitely need another opinion, my friend !! Don't let this go.

Go back to the hospital. I had that pain for a long time and they always said it was a stomach flu. One morning I went back and insisted they do an ultrasound, they did emergency surgury that day. Your Gall bladder can make you very sick and even kill a person if it has gone bad.

Gallstones are ever so painful and generally they pass through your system by themselves. I should give your tablets some time to work, but if your still in pain tomorow you should go back to your doctor.

Get a 2nd opinion. It seems like these stones are causing you trouble. Why deal with this if there is a procedure to remove the gallbladder.? And there is a solution!! Good luck. Or demand your Dr. refer you to a surgeon.

I had the same problem some years ago and my 16 year old daughter is going through it now. The pain, and I know first hand, is worst then labor ! You need to have an ultra sound to see if the stones are there, how many and the size. Also the condition of the gallbladder it self. Your doctor should not be dismissing this, but many do. Next attack go straight to the hospital. Tell them you know you have gallstones, they should then do the tests. Do not eat fatty food, no pork, no acidic, juice or foods, no carbonated drinks, no cheese, be real careful with milk and no coffee. I know that is easier said then done. And yes, once the stones increase in size and amount, every thing you eat will bring on an attack. Good luck.

we cant examine you in the same way your doc has, depending on how you grimace/rebound when he pushes into your gallbladder bed will help to decide if it is G/B pain. It may well be indigestion type pain> oesophagitis, gastritis or duodenitis. Have you been on a low fat diet like you should if you have gallstones? have you excessed things on the food front this past fortnight (not making a judgement on you but most people do). If its sore to eat only have lukewarm drinks for a day and see if things clear up......

If you have been diagnosed with gall stones, you are having a digestive issue that involves your liver. The liver produces bile and is responsible for cleaning up bile.

When the bile is produced by the liver, it goes to the gall bladder for storage. When you eat anything with fat in it, there are cells in the small intestine that are stimulated. Within a minute, CCK, an enzyme is sent to the blood stream. When it reaches the gall bladder ONLY, it cause it to squeeze. Bile goes down the bile duct to your small intestine where it meets the fat and emulsifies it so it can be digested. The excess bile goes back to the liver for reprocessing. If your liver is producing viscous bile due to bad fats being eaten or not enough fats eaten, like so many Americans on these LOW FAT diets, the bile sits in the gall bladder and forms crystals that form stones. These stones can grow and get large enough to clog the bile duct. When this happens, you will feel severe pain.

There are things that will dissolve the stones, but if the liver is compromised and is producing the viscous bile, then you will not solve the problem, only delay making more stones. It is very important that you keep that gall bladder. 99% of ALL gall bladder operations are unnecessary and a quick way for doctors to solve a problem that creates other problems for you. When the gall bladder is removed, they simply connect the bile duct to the small intestine and when the liver makes bile, it is sent immediately to the small intestine whether there is fat or not. This really messes with your fat digestion and many people that have their gall bladder removed end up gaining lots of weight, etc.

There are two types of fats that do not require bile to digest and do not trigger the CCK to be produced. The medium chain fatty acids found in Coconut Oil and Butter made from Raw Cream. These two fatty acids are very good for you. They produce quick, sustainable energy. The coconut oil contains about 50% lauric acid that is good for your thyroid and the butter has lots of butyric acid that nourishes the large intestine cells. You should be able to tolerate those.

Avoid ALL vegetable oils! Especially soybean, canola, cottonseed, and corn oils. These are genetically engineered and are very UNSTABLE OILS that are typically rancid when you buy them and then polymerize from the "cis" configuration to the "TRANS" configuration when heated only slightly.

The proper ratio of fats you should eat are as follows:

60% monounsaturated fatty acids (like olive oil), 30% saturated fats (like the RAW BUTTER from RAW CREAM, coconut oil, fats found in beef that are from cows fed grass and free range, not the commercial Angus Beef fed grain in feed lots like you find in the Mausoleum where dead foods are put in state (grocery stores), and 10% polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in a 1:1 balance).

Given these fats in the ratio described will help your liver to produce good cholesterol. You also need to make sure your protein digestion is good because if it isn't, this will cause lots of other digestive issues that will affect the fat digestion timing, etc.

The LOW FAT, High Carb diets cause a lot of these problems. The so called "food experts" that are recommending this just don't understand how the body works or they wouldn't be doing this. Your heart runs on fat and good saturated fats are required by your body to operate correctly. If you look at primitive cultures that had no cavities, no heart disease, no diabetes, and were able to be resistant to Tuberculosis on their native diets, while white men diets allowed TB to be epidemic, that is a very good place to start. If you choose to follow the so called "scientific studies" that are funded by corporations with an agenda that show LOW FAT diets the best, the results will be not good. The Eskimos, Aborigines, African tribe Massai, and many cultures in the world that are truly healthy all ate over 80% of their diets of wild fish and wild animals! Huge amounts of good saturated fats that kept them healthy.

Go to: Read about what diets have been shown to be healthy and how you can do the same.

A very good book is "Life Without Bread" by Christian Allan, pH.D. This book explains the relationship of fat and carbs and a great way to deal with this.

If you do what Americans are being told to do, you will end up as a statistic, organs that are not working well, and a much shorter life than you are designed. I would suggest making the dietary changes suggested above and go to the following web sites: Read the FAQ's and learn about what is happening to our dairy products in America. It is very important that you eliminate ALL pasteurized dairy products from your diet. (not .com) Order the following products:

Gall Bladder Detox --- Take as directed to clean the gall bladder
Liver Detox --- Take as directed to clean the liver
Eliminate ALL hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils, except olive oil, ALL fried foods from your diet. Stay completely away from ALL fat food restaurants, they use the bad vegetable oils and super heat them.

Betaine HCL --- Take 2 to 4 of these after each meal
Activator -- Take 1 to 2 of these after each meal
Quantum Digest -- Take 1 to 2 of these DURING the meal
Probiotic -- Take 1 in the a.m. and 1 in the p.m.

good luck to you

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