Is casual smoking harmful?!

Question: I have a serious question here, and would appreciate some serious answers :)

I'm 19 and I smoke probably about...ten cigarettes a month on average. The only time I pick up cigarettes is, say, when my buddies are stepping out for a smoke - I'll sometimes join them. Now I know that most of you are going to say "Quit while you can!", etc, but I don't find them addicting at all. Just a nice relaxation/social time about once a week. Is smoking, say, 10 cigarettes a month harmful?

In other words, "hypothetically, if I never got addicted, and smoke at most 10 cigs a month, should I worry about cancer?" Obviously the risk is much, much, much lower than a full time smoker (pack a day, etc... I'm at what like half a pack a month?)... but is there any foreseeable risk of cancer, doing what I'm doing now?

Thanks for your help! :)

Answers: I have a serious question here, and would appreciate some serious answers :)

I'm 19 and I smoke probably about...ten cigarettes a month on average. The only time I pick up cigarettes is, say, when my buddies are stepping out for a smoke - I'll sometimes join them. Now I know that most of you are going to say "Quit while you can!", etc, but I don't find them addicting at all. Just a nice relaxation/social time about once a week. Is smoking, say, 10 cigarettes a month harmful?

In other words, "hypothetically, if I never got addicted, and smoke at most 10 cigs a month, should I worry about cancer?" Obviously the risk is much, much, much lower than a full time smoker (pack a day, etc... I'm at what like half a pack a month?)... but is there any foreseeable risk of cancer, doing what I'm doing now?

Thanks for your help! :)

Any smoking is bad hun. The longer you smoke the more likely you are to get addicted. The damage tobacco causes is awful. I was a long time smoker and it was the hardest thing I ever did to quit.. Find something else that is healthier to do casually.

No one can give you a quantifiable answer here. You are putting yourself at greater risk of cancer, but how much so is impossible to say.

bad for you I aam a smoker adn want to quit. addictive.
try to stop... better for you.

I would think it would be harmful seeing as you can get cancer from second hand smoke! But i guess the risk might be lower than smoking a pack a day.

Well, chances are you won't be smoking 10 cigarettes a month for the rest of your life, and honestly I wouldn't worry about. I would worry about it if it starts increasing to say 20 cigarettes a month, or if you start smoking by yourself.

Cigarettes are bad, but at such a low rate, and for the short time you will be doing it, I would say cancer is not something you should be worried about.

obviously just being around someone smoking raises your risk of health problems. yes, you still have a risk of getting high of a risk, im not sure. by the way i do the same thing you do...i'll have a cigarette once in a while if im with my friends.

We all have to make the right choices for ourselves. I had smoked for to many years and watched my father die of lung cancer. I quit a long time ago to keep my risk lower. Just because your friends smoke doesn't mean that you have to join them. You may think that you are not addicted but, you are so wrong.


Any smoking, or being around people who smoke, is not good for your health and increase your chances of getting cancer. Do you loved ones a favor by quiting. Use that will power you have to do this. I broke a 3 pack a day habit cold turkey. Love yourself. All of us Christians love you and will hold you in our prayers.

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