Best remedy for the common cold?!

Question: I've had one since 22 December. Started off with sore throat, dry cough and achy limbs. Came and went for a number of days and when I thought I was well again, bang it came back with a vengence - shivers, fever, painful joints, chesty cough, sneezing, runny nose and heavy stingy eyes. I'm a mess, wrecked from lack of sleep and would now fight with my own shadow. How do you best get over a dose like this. Any tips - apart from lemsip !

Answers: I've had one since 22 December. Started off with sore throat, dry cough and achy limbs. Came and went for a number of days and when I thought I was well again, bang it came back with a vengence - shivers, fever, painful joints, chesty cough, sneezing, runny nose and heavy stingy eyes. I'm a mess, wrecked from lack of sleep and would now fight with my own shadow. How do you best get over a dose like this. Any tips - apart from lemsip !

Experts suggests that most cold attacks are triggered by hand-to-mouth touch,where bacteria and other viruses are transfered from the hands to nose,eyes and ears.Wash hands 5-6 times a day,preferably with a hand sanitizer really works wonders.
Chicken soup is considered a great preventive measure if taken while the cold has triggered.During winter chicken soup can be very beneficial anyways to keep the bodywarm and healthy.Include it in your healthy eating habits list and see the results.Replacing your carbonated beverages with chicken soup shows great results.
Most cold attacks occur in individuals who lack proper nutrition and do not have a healthy immune system.Vitamin C taken in doses of 250mg four times a day at regular interval boosts up the body fighting capacity against cold.Excess Vitamin C consumed is washed away in the urine.
Honey is considered a wonder drug in fighting cold bacteria and viral fever.As a preventive measure eating a thin slice of ginger with honey prevents cold and also keeps the body warm.Ginger is great for the stomach.
A clean and non dusty enviornment ensures healthy living.Clean your place at least once a week ,preferably with Lysol.Also ensure the room temperature is around 65-70F.Most viruses and bacteria live actively in warm surroundings where temperature is higher than 72F.

Honey and lemon, with a shot of whiskey.

a nice warm bed. thats about it really. i'm afraid you just have to wait for it to go away

There is no remedy for the common cold. You can either put up with it, or palliate the symptoms (and make it last longer).

It sounds as though you are suffering from post-viral syndrome. You've had a bad cold and your immune system has created antibodies. These kill the virus, but won't go away again. It's your immune system that causes the symptoms, not the virus.

The best treatment is plenty of fresh air and exercise.

the expert advice is to wrap up in bed drink plenty of water (you can add lemon etc) and take paracetomol for the fever etc.
boring i know but theres not much more you can do
(although i agree with the whiskey and night nurse!!

plenty of bed rest warm soup and for you chesty cough run your bath and let steam fill the room stay in there for as long as you can that should clear your chest and time

Make sure you take something to dry up your sinuses because the drainage that gets in your chest just makes things worse. A good multi vitamin with added iron usually can help with the soreness and aches. Get a humidifier as well. Dry heat in your home makes a cold last longer than normal. A mineral salts bath soak will help draw out some as well as make you feel better and rest better. Fluids are good especially if you can get some hot tea, tablespoon of whisky, pure honey, will help with sore throat and the caffein in the tea will help with headaches (I use coffee it works best).
I would also talk to a doctor if this lasts longer than 10 days though.
Hope you feel better soon.

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