Sinus and allergy question - how to cope and what to take?!

Question: I have constant sinus headaches and get a lot of sinus infections along with regular migraines that I think start for allergy and sinus issues.

Wanted to see if anyone out there also has similar issues and how they cope and what they take.

I'm hoping to get pregnant eventually but I'm scared because I know you can't take Sinus-D type drugs along with my allergy medicine.

It doesn't help that I live in the midwest.

Answers: I have constant sinus headaches and get a lot of sinus infections along with regular migraines that I think start for allergy and sinus issues.

Wanted to see if anyone out there also has similar issues and how they cope and what they take.

I'm hoping to get pregnant eventually but I'm scared because I know you can't take Sinus-D type drugs along with my allergy medicine.

It doesn't help that I live in the midwest.

Whether you live in the midwest, southwest, or northeast, you need to get some relief! It sounds like you have uncontrolled allergy. Allergy is a defect in the immune system, it is caused by your body misidentifying benign proteins as evil enemy invaders. It calls up the immune system to fight enemies that aren't there. The weapon it uses is histamine. It is the histamine that causes the symptoms of allergy and because the immune system thinks it is constantly under attack (when it is not) it is always at war and that will wear any army down. That is why uncontrolled allergy leads to frequent colds and other mild or even serious infections. Since you are thinking of having a baby, and that will rule out taking meds, you need to get your body healthy now! I suggest that you get yourself to an allergist or an immunologist for either a skin patch test or a RAST blood test. Based on those results, you can start taking steps to reduce your exposure to those things that are making you sick. For example, I was misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue years ago...turns out it was allergy all along. I started taking 60 mg of Seldane twice a day and the world was good. Then Seldane was taken off the market and nothing else helped...until I discovered environmental control. I am allergic to dust mites. So I took dust mite control steps, I removed all carpeting and curtains, covered my mattresses and pillows with special covers and wash my linens weekly in this awesome De-Mite stuff. Now I take no medicine, I have no symptoms. and I almost never get a cold. You can get there just need to get a proper diagnosis and some valid test results. I am going to include a link that will tell you about creating dust free rooms as well as a link to the De-Mite stuff I use. This will give you an idea of what can be done with the right diagnosis. It was work and money upfront but the years of wonderful health I have made it all worthwhile. Have hope!

I live in the midwest to and everyday i take a dayquill and an advil and it seems to work.

I suffer like you do. I take Benadryl for the symtoms. Sinus headaches Advil clear gel sinus allergy pills. My migraines i take clear gel advil. If taking Benadryl, get the non drowsy, i take the other extra stength when i'm staying a home. Use a vaporizer to moisten the air.

Tylenol Sinus is what my OB says to take (since preggo-and if you're planning to TTC soon, I'd stick to that)

I've had sinus problems for the last 6 years, similar to ones you've described, I've been sent from doctors to specialists, got allergy tested and had optical fibres put up my nose. I eventually was put on an allergy tablet and a spray that really helped. But i couldn't afford to be talking an alergy tablet everyday of my life.
I eventually found this stuff called st

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