Question: You asked "the question is that what wil u do with it?"

I will flush it down the toilet. I don't believe there is anything else to do with it.

Answers: You asked "the question is that what wil u do with it?"

I will flush it down the toilet. I don't believe there is anything else to do with it.

drink lot of fluid eg water(put a pinch of salt and sugar in it) and take meds for it.

loparet,mariebiscuit,arrowrootkanji. take em all.great ans miss reefa.suppose i had it u could hear me riding a motorbike without a silencer in the restroom.RRRRRR.prrrrr.

keep visiting the bathroom

Diarrhoea can be caused by a combination of things. However if you do have it, it is important to keep your fluids up because you actually loose alot of water this way. Keep eating fibre rich foods (if you are not too sick to eat). There are also some medications available for stomach upsets that can reduce the amount that you are going to the toilet.

In most cases, replacing lost fluid to prevent dehydration is the only treatment necessary. Medicines that stop diarrhoea may be helpful in some cases, but they are not recommended for people whose diarrhoea is from a bacterial infection or parasite, stopping the diarrhoea traps the organism in the intestines, prolonging the problem. Instead, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics. Viral causes are either treated with medication or left to run their course, depending on the severity and type of the virus.

In adults with diarrhoea, it may help to drink plenty of fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. Adding bulk to the diet may thicken the stool and decrease the frequency of stools. Certain foods thicken the stools, including rice, bananas, yogurt, and cheese. An increase in fibre from whole-wheat grains and bran add bulk to the diet.
Until diarrhoea subsides, one should try to avoid milk products and foods that are greasy, high-fibre, or very sweet. These foods tend to aggravate diarrhoea.

As one improves, one can add soft, bland foods to the diet, including bananas, plain rice, boiled potatoes, toast, cooked carrots, and baked chicken without the skin or fat.

Traveller's diarrhoea happens when one consumes food or water contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. One can take the following precautions to prevent traveller's diarrhoea when one goes abroad:

Do not drink any tap water, not even when brushing your teeth.

Do not drink unpasteurized milk or dairy products.

Do not use ice made from tap water.

Avoid all raw fruits and vegetables (including lettuce and fruit salad) unless they can be peeled and you peel them yourself.

Do not eat raw or rare meat and fish.

Do not eat food from street vendors.

One can safely drink bottled water, carbonated soft drinks, and hot drinks like coffee or tea. Depending on where one is going and the period of stay, the doctor may recommend some antibiotics before leaving to protect one from possible infection.

Cause for Diarrhoea.

Overeating or eating of wrong foods
The main causes of diarrhoea are overeating or eating of wrong foods, putrefaction of food in the intestinal tract, fermentation caused by incomplete carbohydrate digestion, nervous irritability, use of antibiotic drugs, and excessive intake of laxatives.

Parasites, germs, virus, bacteria, emotional stress
Other causes include parasites, germs, virus, bacteria, or a poison which has entered into the body through food, water, or air; allergies to certain substances or even common foods such as milk, wheat, eggs, and sea foods; emotional strain or stress in adults and fright in children.

Organic diseases affecting the intestines
Certain organic diseases affecting the intestines may also lead to diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea treatment using Buttermilk
Buttermilk is one of the most effective home remedies in the treatment of diarrhoea. Buttermilk is the residual milk left after the fat has been removed from curd by churning. It helps overcome harmful intestinal flora. The acid in the buttermilk also fights germs and bacteria. Buttermilk may be taken with a pinch of salt three or four times a day for controlling this disease.

Diarrhoea treatment using Carrot Soup
Carrot soup is another effective home remedy for diarrhoea. It supplies water to combat dehydration; replenishes sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, and magnesium; supplies pectin; and coats the intestine to allay inflammation. It also checks the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria and prevents vomiting. Half a kilogram of carrots may be cooked in 150 ml of water until they become soft. The pulp should be strained and enough boiled water added to it to make a litre. Three-quarters of a tablespoon of salt may be added. This soup should be given in small amounts to the patient every half an hour.

Diarrhoea treatment using Ginger
In case of diarrhoea caused by indigestion, dry or fresh ginger is very useful. A piece of dry ginger should be powdered along with a crystal of rock salt, and quarter of a teaspoon of this powder should be taken with a small piece of jaggery. It will bring quick relief as ginger, being carminative, aids digestion by stimulating the gastrointestinal tract.

Sleep in the toilet (oops, just kidding).

Vegan seldom gets stomach upset (yeah, this is serious!).

To arrest, drink lemon juice in hot water with salt and sugar. If you have access, you may take ayurvedic tablet Mebarid 1-1-1 till you are normal.

there are lots of causes for diarrhea and determine the exact cause you need to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration and go see a internal med/ family med doctor first thing tomorrow so he/she can get a proper history and then do a relevant physical exam and then order the right tests which could include blood work and stool tests to get a more precise diagnosis and so there could be a good sound treatment for your problem...so go see a doctor...this warrants it

First thing will be reserving the bathroom for myself then
i will drink 1/4 of a glass "kacha milk(dudh)" with "half lemon". Remember U shuld drink the mixture as fast as u can otherwise milk(dudh ) fat jayega aur tumhe paneer mil jayega. I will also eat Bannas

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