Are breast cancer lumps visible?!

Question: Not necessarily, but they can be, mine was.

If you have a lump, get it checked out. Most breast lumps are not cancerous, but all need to be investigated

Answers: Not necessarily, but they can be, mine was.

If you have a lump, get it checked out. Most breast lumps are not cancerous, but all need to be investigated

Not usually. You have to push down a little bit to feel them unless they're close to the surface. If you have fibrocystic breasts (many cysts in your breast tissue), you might feel a lump from that, but it doesn't mean anything. Always check both sides.

No not always. Which is why it is a good idea to get breast exam every year by a professional. And checking your breast yourself regularly. You should use your hand to feel for any thing weird with your breast and don't be afraid to mention anything to your doctor. The early the detection, the better the end-result.

most of the time, they are red and usually visible.

not always

Sometimes. My aunt died of breast cancer right before Christmas, but when she first found it, it was right after she woke up. Under her arm and onto her breast was all swollen. You could actually see it. It was very strange that she went to sleep perfectly healthy and wake up with breast cancer. (it didn't happen exactly like that but you know what I mean)

If they were always visible, the Cancer Society would not recommend monthly self exam and regular professional exams.

Oddly enough, breast cancer can start in the breast and spread, so breast cancer cells can be in the neck, arms, brain, internal get it. In the case of being able to see a lump when it's breast cancer, there are variables and it depends if the disease has spread. If you are asking because you have lump somewhere, PLEASE GO have it checked!

Breast cancer tumors are rarely visible, when they are it is usually because the cancer is very advocated or it is inflammatory carcinoma, both have a very poor prognosis.

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