Any one here have reflux?!

Question: does anyone here have reflux , and if so how do you handle it. i have it and medicine alone doesnt help i am miserable, i am on nexium right now and have been on every other meds for it nothing really works ... i have talked to my doctor and he says give the meds a chance but i have been on them for about a year ......... any suggestions?

Answers: does anyone here have reflux , and if so how do you handle it. i have it and medicine alone doesnt help i am miserable, i am on nexium right now and have been on every other meds for it nothing really works ... i have talked to my doctor and he says give the meds a chance but i have been on them for about a year ......... any suggestions?

I had problems with reflux three years ago. Xrays and everything. Nexium worked fine. When I forgot to take it I could survive 2 days without it while traveling. It's quite pricey

The I tried Prilosec. Costs less and is less effective. A day without it was the best I could do.

Over a year ago I started taking a supplement and for some reason frustrated I stopped the Prilosec too. Well I eat what I want with no reflux flare ups.

The supplement is natural. Better yet, Nexium and Prilosec reduce acid levels which also reduce reflux flare ups AND the absorption of Calcium. Not a good thing. I don't worry about that either. I have higher energy and sleep better. If you interested in more information on the supplement I take send me and email. I share what has worked for me.

Best Wishes

try some baking soda water.

have you had an EGD done? Were you treated for H.pylori infection? Did your doc try the other proton pump inhibitors? Have you done lifestyle modifications? did you max out on the doses of the proton pump inhibitors? If nothing else helps that surgery can be done. It's called a nissen fundoplication with vagotomy.


HI CGurl

HEre are some testimonials on healing the issue.

Recipe #2 -- A MORE POTENT CURE FOR ACID REFLUX: Ted writes, "My remedy for acid reflux is baking soda, or ACV plus baking soda only. Rarely will ACV alone work." Ted has given us a fantastic recipe for Acid Reflux (combination ACV and baking soda). In fact, this remedy seems to do a better job curing Acid Reflux and GERD than plain old Apple Cider Vinegar!

Recipe #3: Apple Cider Vinegar +++
5/16/2007: Dee from Fairfax, VA writes: I'd been having terrible heartburn for over a week. So bad that that my kids and husband were very worried. A few years ago I had six ulcers! But didn't want to start the standard gastro treatments lansoprazole or purple pills - I'm well aware of the downsides to them. My gastric problem was probably caused by my ADHD, I frequently forget to eat because I get so hyperfocused I don't notice I'm hungry!So, I went looking for a homeopathic cure and found your website. I read a whole bunch of stuff and probably confused one thing with another nevertheless this is what happened: I made the ACV mixture adding the Baking Soda also 2 tbsp Aloe juice; 1 tbsp of organic honey; 1 tbsp of Virgin Coconut Oil (using warm water, which melts the honey and VCO). I tried with and without the VCO and for those who find the ACV drink unpalatable the VCO helps alot! The heartburn stopped in 24 hours! Major miracle. I felt focused, relaxed, energetic and pain free. The only side effect of note was/is gas. Is this from the VCO? Is there anything I can do about that? And is it OK to blend all this together? Should I be drinking it before or after or with a meal? I don't know about the other magical effects of VCO its only been 2 days!

1/19/2008: Fred from Rowland, PA writes: "Thank you so much for these remedys. I've just spent a miserable week with sporadic stomach spasms turning into constant spasms and a flaming, burning pit in my stomach. I drank cider with slippery elm, olive oil and grapefruit juice, took TUMS, drank club soda...I did eveything natural because I didn't wat to go to the doctor for the little purple pill Nexium. While writhing in pain, I did a search on acid reflux and natural remedies. I found your site and I used remedy #3 with vinegar, honey, aloe and baking soda. I gulped the concoction down and despite the usual horrendous spasms I had endured all week, I knew something was different because I didn't barf immediately (I wasn't able to keep food or water down). Miraculously, within 2 hours I was myself again with only a periodic spasm or two.

Best of health to you

Prilosec (OTC) and change diet and eating habits. It works best for mine. Have you tried it? Nexium didn't work for me either.
No Italian or Mexican, no heavy spices, sleep propped up at night so acid doesn't come back up.
Even what you drink, everything consumed is subject for your Gastric reflux to go into reverse! There is no cure- only preventive measures, sorry, I have it too. Unless you go surgery route. Healthy foods and fresh foods stay away from high sodium and even eating slower helps some. Don't eat and lay down! Milk and dairy products seem to calm the acid too. There is another name for it too- it is called GERD, gastro esophageal reflux disorder!
If you ever have to be put to sleep be sure and tell them, there is a different way the anesthesiologist has do it with this disorder.
Acid reflux can be difficult to deal with, especially if you love food. Often referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, acid reflux occurs when food in the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This may not seem dangerous, but if you take into account the fact that the stomach uses very strong acids to make its enzymes work, then you can understand what kind of damage GERD can cause. The acidified food from the stomach can burn through the protective mucosal lining of the lower esophagus, weakening, even destroying it; and making it more prone to ulcers and cancers.
acid reflux treatments can include the following.

*You will have to shift to an acid reflux or GERD diet, which involves removing spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, and an excess of vitamin C supplements as a precaution. You will need to avoid fats and cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower; and you will need to eat smaller meals so as to avoid overloading your stomach. If you smoke, your doctor will also require you to quit, as nicotine and other toxins in tobacco can exacerbate your acid reflux problem.

* You may also be prescribed physical therapy to improve your posture, as slouching and other bad posture habits can exacerbate the symptoms of GERD. Body positions that involve constricting the digestive system or squeezing the esophagus all contribute to acid reflux, so you will need to do exercises to keep your body straight.

*There are also certain drugs that are designed to reduce the amount of acids that your stomach secretes. Such drugs will block the activity of cell surface molecules in the gastric lining. These molecules are called the proton pumps, as they function with the help of positively-charged hydrogen ions; hence, the use of proton pump inhibitors as medication. However, these drugs can have serious side-effects.

* Physicians will often recommend antacids for milder versions of GERD, as these can increase the pH of the stomach and reduce the organ's resulting acidity. Such antacids, however, should not contain calcium, as these can make GERD worse.

* For moderate cases of GERD, physicians can recommend alginic acid, which can coat the stomach and lower esophageal mucosal linings, allowing the cells in them to regenerate and be repaired. Aside from protecting the delicate mucosal lining of the stomach and lower esophagus, alginic acid can also decrease the probability of acid reflux.
Further acid reflux treatments
* Some antihistamines can also function to reduce the secretion of acid by your stomach. These receptor blockers can include the drugs famotidine and ranitidine.
Good luck. God Bless.

I had this and being that I don't like taking Meds I went to a naturopath, They gave me a product called Digest Aid by a company called Eagle, my symptons had almost dissappeared in 2 days(what a relief), also diet changes had to be made, all trial end error I'm afraid. I would suggest talking to a naturopath and go from there. Good Luck!

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