How do you get HPV ?!

Question: You get it from having alot of intercourse, and one of them might have gave it to you. But please if you think you have it go to the doctor because i have personal experience with it. And it almost turned into cancer. Hope this helps you. If you are under l think 26 yrs old you can get a shot also to protect you from hpv. Also men if they havwe it they dont know unless they get checked, no symptoms.

Answers: You get it from having alot of intercourse, and one of them might have gave it to you. But please if you think you have it go to the doctor because i have personal experience with it. And it almost turned into cancer. Hope this helps you. If you are under l think 26 yrs old you can get a shot also to protect you from hpv. Also men if they havwe it they dont know unless they get checked, no symptoms.

HPV affects both women and men.
? Anyone who has any kind of sexual activity involving genital contact with an infected person can get HPV

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