How many of you are are light-sensitive?!

Question: How many of you are are light-sensitive? And what do you do to help in places where the light hurts your eyes?

Answers: How many of you are are light-sensitive? And what do you do to help in places where the light hurts your eyes?

i am light sensitive. the sun,bright lights of cars, stores lights, reflections,etc. all bother my eyes. i keep sunglasses handy i had a photo ray put in my glasses so that they turn dark in bright light. Id say 50% of all humans are light sensitive.

Photophobia Treatment
The best treatment for light sensitivity is to treat the underlying cause. In many cases, once the triggering factor is treated, photophobia disappears. If you are taking a medication that causes light sensitivity, talk to the prescribing physician about discontinuing it or replacing it with another drug.

If you're sensitive to light, avoid bright sunlight and other bright lights. Wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses with ultraviolet (UV) protection.

In an extreme case, you may consider wearing prosthetic contact lenses that are specially colored to look like your own eyes. Prosthetic contact lenses can reduce the amount of light that enters the eye, so your eyes are more comfortable. [Read more about prosthetic contact lenses.]

I've always had my eyeglasses tinted. I don't know if this is true or not but Dr.s say people with light eyes are more light sensitive than others.
Good Luck

Luckily, I do not suffer from the condition. As a precaution, I wear the glasses that darken in the sun. Best wishes to you.

I am and have always been ,now I have cataracts to make it worse,sun glasses are a great help ,getting your glasses treated,and cloudy days are great. for driving a visor attachment is helpful it just tones down things instead of it making darker like sun glasses so it is better for night driving.

i have curtains closed @ home so light cant get in shades over glasses

i know i am defently :)

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