Is this a heart attack?!

Question: I just called 911 on somebody and he got took in an ambulance. He was having chest pains, numbness in his limbs, dizziness, sweating, clamminess, and vomitting. Aslo, he had a headache and difficulty breathing. I was afraid he was having a heart-attack. Was I right? (I acted as soon as possible to get him help). Please no crazy answers. Thanx.

Answers: I just called 911 on somebody and he got took in an ambulance. He was having chest pains, numbness in his limbs, dizziness, sweating, clamminess, and vomitting. Aslo, he had a headache and difficulty breathing. I was afraid he was having a heart-attack. Was I right? (I acted as soon as possible to get him help). Please no crazy answers. Thanx.

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Anytime a person is having chest pains it's best to go to the emergency room, yes you did the right thing. Better safe than sorry. good job!

Yes, that does sound like a heart attack. You did the right thing whether it is or isn't one! I hope your friend is alright. I'll keep you in my prayers!

Please comment and let us know how things turned out!

May God be with you and your friend,


Yup. Either that, or a really bad panic attack. Either way, you did the right thing.

Very likely a heart attack. You did the right thing.

The difficulty breathing is the clincher, since the heart pumps blood to the lungs first.

All those symptoms are those of a heart attack or a panic attack. They figured out which within minutes at the hospital. Thanks for being a good Samaritan!

Sound like one. No way to tell for sure with out a 12-lead EKG and/or Blood tests (cardiac enzyme tests)

sounds like you just saved this dude life....good job

Absolutely yes - these are CLASSIC heart attack symptoms in a man.

More than likely a heart attack,, all of these symptoms are textbook for a myocardial infarct (occlusion of a coronary artery)... if he was indeed having an MI the symptoms all explain themselves,, chest pains from the heart not getting enough oxygen, numbness because his arteries and veins were constricting to try to raise his blood pressure (sympathetic nervous system response), dizziness probably due to his low blood pressure and not enough blood/oxygen perfusing the brain, difficulty breathing because of edema in his lungs due to the pulmonary hypertension from more than likely left ventricular failure,,, vomitting is another symptom someone can have while having an MI but i forgot why :),,, and if he is older than 40 or so it really starts to make heart attack all the more likely... when they get him to the hospital they will do an electrocardiogram and chest x ray more than likely,, and maybe a echocardiogram to confirm the diagnosis (just depends),, hopefully he will be OK

he was having a heart attack

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