Penicillin allergy?!

Question: Im sure I read somewhere people can 'grow out' of penicillin allergies.
Is this true? And if it is how can you find out?

Answers: Im sure I read somewhere people can 'grow out' of penicillin allergies.
Is this true? And if it is how can you find out?

It is estimated that 70% of penicillin allergic labeled individuals are not actually allergic to penicillin. many patients with simple viral illnesses, wh where going to get a rash anyway are inappropriately given antibiotics. When the rash appears it is impossible to be certain what the caus was. Also some patients are only allergic to specific penicillins. The classic was ampicillin, this produced an 'ampicillin rash'.

This means that many patients thought to have lost their allergy, never actually had one in the first place. Generally, unless a situation occurs where it is essential to use a penicillin, once a patient is labelled as allergic, it is too dangerous to put it to the test, as re-exposure to penicillin might cause anaphalactic shock and death.

Theoretically it is possible to test for the allergy by doing a RAST test for penicillin antibody. In practice, even if this comes back negative the immunologists are not prepared to guarantee that no allergy exists.

You could have a skin test done. It also depends on what kind of a reaction you had the first time. A rash is a minor reaction and if absolutely necessary, penicillin might be tried again. If it was hives and trouble breathing, they will never use penicillin on you again.

You can grow out of it, but some people don't. My husband and his mother never did. The only way to find out if you're still allergic is to expose yourself to it.

Yes, many people can just 'seem' to grow out of allergies and it dosn't affect them any more. You can go to the hosptal and a skin test is done and it sees whether you react. You can probably talk to your doctor about it.

i dont think so,i was 2 when i was allergic to penicillin and i am now 32 and the doctor still wont give it to me

My nan did but she did not have a serious reaction to it. If you have had a serious reaction there are usually plenty of other drugs you can take without risking a reaction.

It's possible that you can "outgrow" alot of allergies. Most people though don't outgrow their allergies. You could get a skin test or intradermal test to see if you are still allergic. I've heard of people outgrowing their Penicillin allergies but I'm skeptical about it. It could be that those were just misdiagnosed as being allergies to begin with. That happens alot as well.

i am allergic to penicillin (came out in rashes and everything). my doctor and my mum said i might grow out of it but im not sure i wanna risk it. i think you can get a test done to see if you still are, but in the meantime i'd stay on the safe side and avoid it.

i have heard that it can happen but i av also witnessed anaphylactic reactions to penicillin which wasn't pleasant. to be honest if you have ever had a reaction to it i wouldn't take the risk of trying it again. There are other antibiotics out there that work just as well and don't contain penicillin. stick with them.

Like many allergies it is possible to grow out of. But many drug reactions people don't. There is a skin test that can be done but even the it isn't a great detector if you still are or not. If you had what is called a Steven's-Johnsons syndrome reaction then you should never be re challenged. If you are wondering about cross-sensitivity , that is really out still for debate. The risks are low only about 15% but you should be monitored.

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