Does anyone know how bad Pneumonia can get?!

Question: My Daughter was Hospitalized on Saturday because her Pneumonia got worse then it was. She's home now taking her Medicine and she doesn't sound like she's getting any better. Can someone help me?

Answers: My Daughter was Hospitalized on Saturday because her Pneumonia got worse then it was. She's home now taking her Medicine and she doesn't sound like she's getting any better. Can someone help me?

Doctors use antibiotics to treat pneumonia caused by bacteria, the most common cause of the condition. The number of days you take antibiotics depends on your general health, how serious your pneumonia is, and the type of antibiotic you are taking.

Antibiotics usually work well with younger, otherwise healthy people with strong immune systems. You most likely will see some improvement in symptoms within 2 to 3 days. Unless you get worse during this time, your doctor usually will not change your treatment for at least 3 days. If there is no improvement or if your symptoms get worse, you may need culture and sensitivity testing. These tests help identify the organism that is causing your symptoms and determine whether the bacteria may be resistant to the antibiotic.

You usually will not have to go to the hospital unless you: Are being treated outside a hospital and are not getting better (such as your shortness of breath not improving).

If she has viral pneumonia -- At this time, there is no proven medicine to treat pneumonia caused by the influenza virus. Home treatment, such as rest and taking care of your cough, is the only treatment.

I would contact the physician if she's been on her medication for 3 days or more.

Pneumonia can be fatal

Yeah, it can kill you without doctors' help. If she's been hospitalized and has meds, then she should be OK. Her lung(s) probably collapsed which sucks and isn't fun but they will reinflate. As long as she has been seen by a doctor and is being monitored by a doctor, she'll be OK.

people died of it before but that rarely happens now.

It can take several days for antibiotics to work. That said, if she has viral pneumonia, and if she is having any difficulty breathing, is losing weight, or is very feverish (above 102), take her back to the hospital. You could just take her into the clinic and have her re-xrayed, to make sure the pneumonia is responding to the medications.

yes, it can be fatal. keep following dr orders and rush her back to the hospital if you feel things are getting worse or not improving.

You should keep an eye on it because people can die from pneumonia. If you see that she is having trouble breathing you should be more cautious than anything. If she has any other medical problems going on it could definitley complicate those. Go with your gut, mother's intuition is usually right on, no one knows your kid better than you. If you feel its getting bad... go to the hospital.

really bad

medicine doesn't always get you well, sometimes it can save your life, and sometimes not

I myself wouldn't take that stuff, I would use alternative medicine, but I don't know anything about Pneumonia, so I can't tell you what would fix it, I just know it can kill you, so be careful, if she is in the hospital, it must be bad and needs a doctors help.

better pray, prayer can really help, Pray to Jesus and get the hospital preacher to come in and pray too, that will help

I just prayed for her, so you pray or get someone to pray and that makes 2, and when 2 agree, it will be done by our father who is in heaven.

Id take her back to hospital if it has seemed to of flared up again as it can be very fatal and breathing can get very exhausting for a child.This is fluid in the lungs I had pneumonia as a child and I was rushed to hospital several times as I seemed to get worse

I would watch her very closely. Pneumonia can kill. It will take time to see any noticeable improvement, but if something changes for the worse, get her to an ER. If you are worried that she is not getting the proper care, take her to another ER if your insurance will allow.

Take her back to the doctor Pneumonia can kill her. Hope that is clear enough for you.

The doctors should be giving her breathing treatments and cpt, (where they pound on her lung lobes), if she is low on O2 she should have oxygen on or in a mist tent. That with other meds she should get better. If she is not in about 3 or 4 days of this treatment she needs to see a pulmonalogist.

you should be using a vaporizer with vick's oil in a slot next to it.for congestion you can give her a very small amount of ginger and paprika or cayenne according to her age and some onion soup and maybe garlic toast and chicken noodle soup cough medicine with expectorant was always prescribed to my brother.And believe it or not a dab of garlic on the bottom of one of the feet in the deepest part ,taped on helps speed healing

the worst case is death. sounds like your daughter needs to follow up with the pediatrician.

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